
The customs and traditional ways of behaviour are no longer relevant to the modern world. So they are not worth keeping any more. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people, especially the young generation, often talk about discarding the customs and traditional ways of behaviour on the ground that they are no longer applicable to modern life. By contrast, I believe the traditional culture should be preserved, for it plays a pivotal role in our understanding of history and formation of identity even if it is irrelevant to our daily life.
As we know, traditional customs and rituals are reflections of historical realities. If they are completely abandoned, we may lose sight of our history. Take boat-racing in China for example. It has been an event in memory of Qu Yuan, a legendary figure in the Warring States Period. He drowned himself because his advice was ignored by the king of Chu. Today, boat-racing has nothing to do our daily living; we don’t even need boats for fishing, but Chinese people are still celebrating this event every year for the reason that it reminds them of the cruelty of politics in that period of time. If boat-racing were no longer celebrated, Qu Yuan and the history he represented might have disappeared into the dust of time.
Not only do past customs and ceremonies inform us of our history, they also dictate who we are and where we are going. To be clear about our unique identity and future is extremely important, especially in this multi-cultural world. Jewish people today are respected throughout the world partly because they are still practising the customs and rituals like their forefathers. That’s why I, a Chinese university student, do not like the idea of celebrating Christmas instead of Spring festival, or Valentine’s day instead of Double Seventh day. Indeed, it is in the traditional culture that we can always find ourselves.
To conclude, though many traditional customs and ways of behaviour may appear irrelevant to our modern world, they are not useless as some people claim. On the contrary, they are important to help us understand our history and shape our identity. In this sense, they are certainly worth keeping.
Many people, especially the young generation, often talk about discarding the customs and traditional ways of behaviour on the ground that they are no longer applicable to modern life. By contrast, I believe the traditional culture should be preserved, for it plays a pivotal role in our understanding of history and formation of identity even if it is irrelevant to our daily life.
  1. 雅思作文中的第一段的难度在于如何快速恰当地引出话题,然后提出自己的观点。在这个过程中,要注意避免完全重复题目中的词句。同时,在提出自己观点时,要尽量能够做到预告接下来段落的主要内容。比如,本文接下来要论证的就是传统文化有助于我们理解历史,形成身份,所以,本段的最后一句话就直接将这些要点提出来。
  2. discard = abandon = throw away 抛弃,扔掉
  3. on the ground that 以......为基础
  4. applicable 适用的。这里用来替换relevant(相关的)
  5. play a pivotal role 起关键作用
As we know, traditional customs and rituals are reflections of historical realities. If they are completely abandoned, we may lose sight of our history. Take boat-racing in China for example. It has been an event in memory of Qu Yuan, a legendary figure in the Warring States Period. He drowned himself because his advice was ignored by the king of Chu. Today, boat-racing has nothing to do our daily living; we don’t even need boats for fishing, but Chinese people are still celebrating this event every year for the reason that it reminds them of the cruelty of politics in that period of time. If boat-racing were no longer celebrated, Qu Yuan and the history he represented might have disappeared into the dust of time.
  1. 本段论证传统习俗和做法是历史真实的反映。本段用举例法来论证。ritual 礼节;做法 (= daily practices 日常行为)
  2. legendary figure 传奇人物
  3. for the reason that... = because 因为。经常阅读唐老师范文的读者应该已经注意到,唐老师喜欢在作文中使用词组。比如more often than not = frequently; all of a sudden = suddenly; for the reason that = because;等等。这是为什么呢?这不仅仅是为了凑字数,而是因为词组会让文章读起来更加地道,语气更舒缓。这是写作秘诀,你知道就可以了,不要告诉其他人!
  4. disappear into the dust of time 消失到时间的尘埃中。这是非常个性化的表达,我相信考官在1000份试卷里也难读到这样的表达方法,好感油然而生!
Not only do past customs and ceremonies inform us of our history, they also dictate who we are and where we are going. To be clear about our unique identity and future is extremely important, especially in this multi-cultural world. Jewish people today are respected throughout the world partly because they are still practising the customs and rituals like their forefathers. That’s why I, a Chinese university student, do not like the idea of celebrating Christmas instead of Spring festival, or Valentine’s day instead of Double Seventh day. Indeed, it is in the traditional culture that we can always find ourselves.
  1. 本段讨论传统文化对我们身份形成的重要性,同样用举例方法,举了犹太人和中国人的例子。雅思是国际化考试,如果只举中国的例子可能不是特别好。
  2. dictate = tell 是个很高规格的词汇,如果不会使用,最好用tell
  3. It is in the traditional culture that we can always find ourselves. 这句是强调句型。
To conclude, though many traditional customs and ways of behaviour may appear irrelevant to our modern world, they are not useless as some people claim. On the contrary, they are important to help us understand our history and shape our identity. In this sense, they are certainly worth keeping.
  1. 结论段,换一种说法把前面讨论的重点重述一遍。
  2. on the contrary 相反
