乌克兰女画家 Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya 具象绘画作品欣赏


乌克兰女画家 Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya,是保加利亚母亲和法国父亲的女儿于1968年出生于乌克兰。她的艺术生涯在4岁时开始。几年后,Sheri 开始在别尔哥罗德艺术学校为天才儿童学习艺术,15岁时成为她的初中和艺术学校的告别演说家。

从那里她进入了敖德萨的格雷科夫艺术学院,并在她的第一年赢得了全市的 juried展览,并被誉为 “年度最佳年轻艺术家”。Sheri 将在未来两年内赢得14个评审展览,并获得市长颁发的特别 “艺术卓越奖”。

7岁时,Sheri进入俄罗斯圣彼得堡的 Serov美术学院。她在三年学习期间创作的所有绘画和素描现在被教师用作杰出学术成就的样本。1990年,Sheri 搬到了圣彼得堡艺术学院,这是世界上最负盛名的艺术学校之一。2000年,她的毕业作品 “早期的雪”被学院艺术博物馆永久收藏所接受。

该油画还获得了 “俄罗斯国家艺术或娱乐杰出成就奖”,这是艺术家在俄罗斯获得的最高荣誉。她的作品收藏于许多重要的收藏品中,并由法国,意大利,德国,比利时,俄罗斯和美国的画廊展出。她于2008年出现在Roger Yost画廊,另一位是圣彼得堡学院校友 Andrew Atroshenko,参加特别展览。被称为“来自俄罗斯的爱”。

Irene Sheri vishnevskaya, a Ukrainian female painter, is the daughter of Bulgarian mother and French father. She was born in Ukraine in 1968. Her artistic career began at the age of four. A few years later, Sheri began to study art for gifted children at Belgorod art school. At the age of 15,

she became a farewell speaker in her junior high school and art school. From there, she entered the grekov Academy of art in Odessa, won the juried exhibition in the city in her first year, and was known as the 'young artist of the year'. Sheri will win 14 judging exhibitions in the next two years and receive the special 'artistic excellence award' issued by the mayor.

At the age of 17, Sheri entered the Serov Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia. All the paintings and sketches she created during her three-year study are now used by teachers as samples of outstanding academic achievements. In 1990, Sheri moved to St. Petersburg Academy of art,

one of the most prestigious art schools in the world. In 2000, her graduation work 'early snow' was accepted by the permanent collection of the College Art Museum. The oil painting also won the 'outstanding achievement award of Russian national art or entertainment', which is the highest honor the artist has won in Russia.

Her works are collected in many important collections and exhibited by galleries in France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Russia and the United States. She appeared in Roger Yost Gallery in 2008, and the other was Andrew atroshenko, an alumnus of St. Petersburg college, who participated in the special exhibition. It is called 'love from Russia'.


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