Tenet 7: Variation is the enemy of StandardWork. Eliminate variation at each step of the process. Work towards zerovariation by catching it at the earliest possible step in the process.
a) Whatforms of variation can be created by your process that could impact yourdownstream customer? What do you do to not pass variation downstream?
1. Responsesmay vary.
a) 你的工作流程中会产生什么样的差异影响到下游客户?你要怎样做才能不传递差异到下游?
b) Isit better to find variation at the beginning or at the end of a process?
1. It’sbetter to find variation at the beginning of a process. If variation is foundat the end, all the work that’s been done so far needs to get redone.
2. Minimizethe impact of the variation by identifying it as early in the process aspossible.
b) 在流程的前端找到差异更好还是在末端找到差异更好?
c) Whydo we want to attack variation rather than working around it?
1. Standard Work is the fastest, safest andhighest quality way to perform work. Variation is the opposite of this. Themore often we can perform the best method, the faster and the higher qualityproduct we can deliver to the customer.
c) 为什么我们要去解决差异而不是围绕着差异去工作
d) Whensources of variation come up on the Gemba Walk, what happens?
1. Simpleproblems with known answers should be addressed immediately (Just Do It).
2. Morecomplex problems are prioritized by senior leadership and will be addressedthrough a structured problem solving methodology (PDCA or Kaizen).
d) 当差异源在现场巡检中被提出,要怎么办呢?
1. 已知答案的简单问题应该被立即解决(立即去做)