人类微生物组计划多组学数据库 | 热心肠日报


HMPDACC: a Human Microbiome Project Multi-omic data resource



2020-12-10, Article

Abstract & Authors:展开

The Human Microbiome Project (HMP) explored microbial communities of the human body in both healthy and disease states. Two phases of the HMP (HMP and iHMP) together generated >48TB of data (public and controlled access) from multiple, varied omics studies of both the microbiome and associated hosts. The Human Microbiome Project Data Coordination Center (HMPDACC) was established to provide a portal to access data and resources produced by the HMP. The HMPDACC provides a unified data repository, multi-faceted search functionality, analysis pipelines and standardized protocols to facilitate community use of HMP data. Recent efforts have been put toward making HMP data more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.

First Authors:
Heather Huot Creasy

Correspondence Authors:
Heather Huot Creasy

All Authors:
Heather Huot Creasy,Victor Felix,Jain Aluvathingal,Jonathan Crabtree,Olukemi Ifeonu,James Matsumura,Carrie McCracken,Lance Nickel,Joshua Orvis,Mike Schor,Michelle Giglio,Anup Mahurkar,Owen White

