Insight Dialogue Guidelines 慧 谈 指 南

Pause 暂 停

Stop a moment. Find here and now. Call forth mindfulness.


Relax 放 松

If there is any tension in your body and mind meet it with curiosity, kindness, acceptance and the invitation to Relax.


Open 开 放

Allow awareness to notice what is internal and/or external. Open to the relational space. Soften any sense of separation.


Attune to Emergence 随 观 变 现

Release agenda, planning, rehearsing, and let what arises in the moment guide you. Let go into the

actual experience of impermanence, attuning to change.


Listen Deeply 深 度 聆 听

Listen with the whole body, receive and fully rest in the world, listening to the silence beneath the

words. 用全身心去聆听,完全地对外开放,听取言外之意。

Speak the Truth 说 真 实 语

Discern the inner truth that wants to be spoken. Bringing mindfulness to the act of speaking, offer words in kindness.


Insight Dialogue contemplations create opportunities for cultivating mindfulness in the process of relational engagement. We face one another with an intention to practice mindfulness in co-meditation. With mutual respect and a commitment to non-harming, we share the intention to use the meditation guidelines as a foundation for practicing together; they are invitations, reminders, and foundations for meditation.

慧谈的修习是在关系互动的过程中培育正念。我们的互动是为了共同练习正念。以互相尊 重及互不伤害为准则,我们一起用以上这些指引作为共同练习的基础。这些指引是引导,提 示及禅修的守则。



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