深圳科技馆新馆 / Zaha Hadid Architects

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位于光明科学城内的深圳科技馆将成为广州–深圳科技创新走廊的明珠,也是学习和探索科技力量、了解它们对我们生活的影响和未来的重要目的地。深圳科技馆将成为具有里程碑意义的机构,与中国各地的大学,学校和创新中心相连,并与其他设施一起组成世界一流的科学城。 科技馆将展示并巩固深圳作为全球创新技术领先的中心地位。

The future Shenzhen Science & Technology Museum, located within the Guangming Science City, will become a pearl of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen Science Technology Innovation Corridor. The museum will be a key destination to learn and explore the power of science & technology and understand their impact on our life and future. Linked with universities, schools and innovation centres across China, the museum will form the region’s World Class Science City, becoming a landmark institution that will showcase and strengthen Shenzhen’s global position as a leading centre of innovation and technology.

▼项目外观,external view of the project ©Zaha Hadid Architects


With a total area of approximately 125,000 sq.m, the museum’s U-shaped plan provides intuitive orientation and navigation, guiding visitors through its sequence of interconnecting public spaces, galleries and educational facilities centred around its atrium courtyard; defining a journey of discovery that unites the city and park with the museum’s inspirational exhibitions.

▼鸟瞰,采用U形平面,aerial view of the museum using U-shaped plan ©Zaha Hadid Architects

以适应性最大化为设计的基本原则,每个展厅的几何形态、比例和空间体验将为访客的每次到访带来丰富而多样的体验。部分展厅设为常设展厅,其他展厅则可根据不同的展览类型而改变。建筑外部几何形态与功能布局相关, 呼应内部中庭流动的空间的同时,并将中庭空间与西侧的公园相连接。建筑造型是对基地周边情况作出的响应。建筑以围合的动态曲线几何形状与其东面城市交通流线流线相呼应。

Incorporating maximum adaptability as a basic design principle, the geometries, proportions and spatial experience of each gallery will offer visitors a rich and varied experience each time they visit. While some galleries can remain familiar and unchanged, others will change according to the type of exhibition showing at the time. The geometric definition of the museum’s envelope has been informed by its programme, echoing the spatial flow within its galleries and connecting the museum’s central atrium with the public park to the west. The design is a volumetric response to the distinct conditions of the site. Responding to the city to the east, the design is defined by its solidity and dynamic curvilinear geometries that express the many urban circulation routes to the east of the site.

▼博物馆与城市道路,museum and the urban circulation routes ©Zaha Hadid Architects


These fluid lines are gradually elongated along the museum’s north and south elevations with openings carved into the volume to offer glimpses of the activity within. To the west, the building transforms as it extends towards the natural landscapes of Guangming Park to define layers of terraces that frame the glazed wall leading to the courtyard atrium at the heart of the museum.

▼建筑与景观,museum and the landscape ©Zaha Hadid Architects

▼入口空间,多层露台,entrance space, layers of terraces ©Zaha Hadid Architects


Becoming an important public building for the city and a significant centre for youth education, the Shenzhen Science & Technology Museum is planned as benchmark for sustainability within the region’s civic architecture. Detailed computer modelling and wind tunnel testing have provided extensive analysis of thermal performance, natural lighting, wind levels and air quality to maximise the effectiveness of the building’s envelope in reducing energy consumption while ensuring visitor comfort and the preservation of its collection. As the museum will be located within Shenzhen’s subtropical climate with a mild winter and warm spring/autumn, the design optimises energy conservation during Shenzhen’s hot, humid summer with the very high thermal insulation performance of its envelope together with high-efficiency glazing, HVAC, lighting and smart building management systems. The museum’s procurement, full life-cycle performance and adaptability for future configuration are also evaluated and assessed to reduce embodied carbon and achieve the highest Three-Star rating of China’s Green Building Evaluation Standard.

▼通透的大堂,transparent lobby ©Zaha Hadid Architects

▼大堂中不同的灯光效果,various light effects in the lobby ©Zaha Hadid Architects

▼展厅,exhibition hall ©Zaha Hadid Architects


With works on site now underway, construction of the Shenzhen Science & Technology Museum is planned for completion in late 2023.

▼夜景,night view ©Zaha Hadid Architects

Project Location: Shenzhen, China
Client: The Bureau of Public Works of the Shenzhen Municipality
Operator: The Shenzhen Association for Science and Technology
Design: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)
Consortium Local Design Institute: Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (BIAD)

Consortium Lead (ZHA) Team:
ZHA Principal: Patrik Schumacher
ZHA Project Directors: Charles Walker (Commercial Director), Paulo Flores, Simon Yu
ZHA Project Architect: Edgar Payan
ZHA Project Senior Associate: Lydia Kim
ZHA Project Package Leads: Juan Montiel, Jinqi Huang, Niran Buyukkoz, Saman Dadgostar, Julian Lin, Richard Wasenegger
ZHA Project Team: Berkin Islam, Cheryl Lim, John Kanakas, Sven Torres, Michael On, Yuxuan Zhao, Enoch Kolo, Karina Linnsen, Boyan Hristov, Bechara Malkoun, Mansel Haynes

ZHA Competition Team:
ZHA Project Design Directors: Paulo Flores, Simon Yu
ZHA Project Architects: Karoly Markos, Edgar Payan
ZHA Design Leads: Niran Buyukkoz, Saman Dadgostar.
ZHA Project Team: Jinqi Huang, Berkin Islam, Billy Webb, Cheryl Lim, Christos Koukis, Federico Fauli, Juan Montiel, Jurij Licen, Michal Wojtkiewicz, Bogdan Zaha, Michael On, Yuxuan Zhao, Enoch Kolo, Nastasja Mitrovic

Competition Stage Consultants:
Acoustics Consultants: Marshall Day Acoustics
Exhibitions Consultants: Art of Fact
Cinema Consultants: Teecom
Landscape Consultants: Gillespies

Specialist Consultants (Schematic Design Stage):
Façade Consultant: GYAC (Shanghai)
Acoustics Consultants: Acoustics & Theatre Design Division, East China Architectural Design & Research Institute
Green Building Consultants: Jorjun Green Building Technology, Guangdong
Exhibitions Consultants: Art of Fact
Cinema Consultants: Teecom
Landscape Consultants: Gillespies

Specialist Consultants (Preliminary Design Stage):
Local Design Institute (Structure & MEP): Capol International & Associates Group
Local Design Institute (Architectural): Beijing Institute of Architectural Design
Façade Design Consultants: Dadi Facade Technology
Interior Design Consultants: J&A (Jiang & Associates)
Exterior Lighting Consultants: GD-Lighting Design Consultancy

More: Zaha Hadid Architects 。更多关于:Zaha Hadid Architects on gooood



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