经济学人财经 || 资产管理费



感谢思维导图作者May Li

May Li,我要去追逐心中的太阳,北大临床心理备考中



Taking toll



Taking toll


Asset-management fees are often scandalous but sometimes it makes sense to pay up


A sure way to irritate a private-equity manager is to say the “t” words: two-and-twenty. Their eyes roll: this again. Two-and-twenty (or 2-and-20) is, or used to be, a common fee arrangement for a certain class of asset managers. It comprises a 2% annual fee and 20% of the profits. With a sigh, the manager tells you how it really is. He gets paid a 20% performance fee only if the returns clear a hurdle rate. The typical management fee is in the low to mid ones. And big investors get fee-free stakes in a fund’s portfolio companies (“co-investments”).

想惹恼私募基金经理的话那你大可以提出 “2+20”模式。听到后,他们一定会大翻白眼抱怨:又来! “2+20”是(或曾是)一些特定类别资产管理公司的常规收费标准。其中承诺资本的2%为管理费,利润分成的20%作为附带权益。长叹一口气后,资管公司会告诉你事实的真相:只有投资回报率超过最低预期回报率部分才能享有20%的业绩分成。常规的管理费用都处于中低水平。大额投资者甚至可以通过“共同投资”的形式,无需支付管理费就可获得基金投资标的公司的股权。

High management fees are avoidable. You can build a diversified portfolio that includes developed- and emerging-market stocks and bonds, plus commodities, using low-cost index or exchange-traded funds. True, it is a bit harder to get cheap access to assets that truly diversify your equity risk or are reliable hedges against inflation. But you could always simply hold more cash.



exchange-traded funds:ETF基金,“交易型开放式指数基金”,又称“交易所交易基金”,它可以在交易所进行买卖,又是追踪特定指数的基金,并且可以随时进行申购赎回。

Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/etf.asp


Yet it is quite wrong to insist, as many do, that the only good fee is a low fee. There is a case for paying more for access to a stream of cash flows that is genuinely different from those you already have. The asset manager may not deserve the fee for his efforts. It may just be a pure rent. But sometimes it is best to suck it up. After all, it is returns net of fees that you should care about.


There has been a long-running shift in assets under management from high-fee, actively managed portfolios into low-fee, “passive” index funds. It is almost quaint these days to pay a hefty fee for stock-picking or for a bespoke bond portfolio. But push down fees in one place and they tend to pop up somewhere else. Capital has also poured into “alternative” assets, including private-equity, venture-capital and hedge funds, which levy the sort of fees that incite a taste for yacht-racing and caviar.



1. 主动投资和被动投资


2. quaint: [kweɪnt] very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance 奇怪的

eg. It seems quaint that critics once complained that finance was all about untrammelled markets and deregulation.


3. bespoke  [bɪˈspəʊk]

adj. 定做的,定制的

4. pop up

动词词组 If someone or something pops up, they appear in a place or situation unexpectedly. 突然出现

eg. She was startled when Lisa popped up at the door all smiles.


5. 另类资产:alternative assets

6. yacht /jɒt/ 可数名词 A yacht is a large boat with sails or a motor, used for racing or pleasure trips. 赛艇; 游艇

eg. His 36 ft yacht sank suddenly last summer.


7. caviar /ˈkævɪˌɑː/ 集合名词 Caviar is the salted eggs of a fish called a sturgeon. 鱼子酱

eg. It is like the difference between cod roe and caviar. The bulk of state investments in banks has been in preferred stock, rather than in the purest form of capital, common shares.


The appeal for investors is in large part raw returns. The best private-equity or venture-capital funds have paid out jackpots. It is also diversification. For many people’s tastes, private equity is repackaged stockmarket risk, with added leverage. But some alternatives are truly different. If you are up to your teeth in the mature, ripe-for-disruption firms that make up much of leading share indices, it might be a sensible hedge to also get exposure to the would-be disrupters the venture-capitalists are busy grooming.



1. Jackpots: 头奖,特等奖。

2. Financial exposure (财务风险)is the amount an investor stands to lose in investment should the investment fail.

A common view is that the performance-fee part of charges is fine, but the management-fee part is indefensible. Say you invest $100m in an alternative fund. And, for simplicity’s sake, say “success” means after ten years you double your money and “failure” means you get it back. At 1.5-and-20, you pay $35m in fees if the fund is a success and $15m if it fails. If the structure was, say, 0.5-and-30 it would better align the incentives of the manager with yours. The charge for success would also be $35m; but for failure it would be just $5m. Why don’t funds offer this kind of a fee structure? Actually, some do. But there’s a twist: pension-fund managers are not always keen. Should the fund prove wildly successful, they would have to explain to their trustees why they gave away such a big slice of the upside.





What really matters, says Dylan Grice of Calderwood Capital Research, is whether you are getting value for the fees. The flagship fund of Renaissance Technologies, a wildly profitable hedge fund, charged 5-and-44, before it was closed to outside investors. The net-of-fee returns were amazing; why complain? This attitude might be applied to other niches: funds that invest in esoteric corners of the credit market, say; or funds that lend to biotech or oil-exploration companies in return for a stream of royalty payments, which they package and sell to investors. These might earn, say, a steady 15% gross and pay investors 10% net. This is attractive, especially if it adds true diversity to your existing portfolio. The fee is the price of entry to a market that is hard for most investors to navigate. Or as Mr Grice puts it: “They know how to do it and you don’t.”

来自考尔德伍德资本研究(Calderwood Capital Research)的狄伦·格莱斯(Dylan Grice)表示:真正值得关注的是,是否从支付的费用中获得了价值。文艺复兴科技公司(Renaissance Technologies)旗下一支收益丰厚的旗舰对冲基金,在其停止对外部投资人开放前,收取的费用标准为5-44。其扣除管理费之后的净回报率仍令人吃惊,那还有什么可抱怨的呢?这种态度在其他“有利可图”的情境下也同样适用;比如说,投资信贷市场上圈内人才懂的基金;又比如,还有一些基金,贷款给生物技术公司或石油勘探公司以换取一系列的特许使用费,再打包出售给投资者。据说,这些基金可能会带来稳定的15%毛利,可给投资人带来10%的净回报。这是非常吸引人的,特别是这些又能实实在在地给现有投资组合增加多样性。该费用是进入某些市场的入门费,多为大部分投资者难以掌控的领域。或者可以用格莱斯的话说:“他们知道怎么做,而你不知道。”


1. Esoteric: confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle;秘传的;限于圈内人的;难懂的;

2. navigate .v

1. 导航;确定(船、飞机、汽车等)的位置和方向

Eg. to navigate by the stars 根据星辰确定航向

2.  航行;航海;横渡

Eg. The river became too narrow and shallow to navigate. 河道变得又窄又浅,无法航行。

3. 找到正确方法(对付困难复杂的情况)

Fees are a drag. The more they take, the less you keep. And it can be galling to stump up for access. Few asset managers will admit that this is what you are paying for. The best venture-capital funds, for instance, claim they are world-class developers of the startups in their care. But in many ways they resemble elite universities. Because the best students turn up at their door, they are able to charge high fees—not so much for the stewardship of these precious assets, but for the accreditation and the social networks they provide. So be it. Some irritations are best ignored.



1. Galling adj.令人恼怒;使人烦恼;使人感到屈辱

Eg.  It was galling to have to apologize to a man she hated. 令人恼火的是得向她憎恶的男人道歉。

2. Stump up 付钱,买单

3. Stewardship n. 管理;组织工作

Eg.The organization certainly prospered under his stewardship. 不可否认,这个组织在他的管理下兴旺了起来。



Jerry,  男,金融专业研究生,经济学人铁粉

Chao,爱读书思考的DPhil Candidate,TE粉丝

Ashley,女,金融硕士,爱宠物 爱英语,爱旅游,经济学人粉丝

Summer(琚儿),女,QE在职,梦想能仗翻译/音乐 /健康走天涯





Jessie Lulu, 金融从业者,爱阳光,爱细雨,爱经济学人







供给是基金经理,需求是投资者,均衡价格不就是费率不就是双方讨价还价的结果吗?有的基金特别能挣钱,比如西蒙斯的文艺复兴的旗舰产品medallion fund到现在年均回报率71.8%,那么5-44这么恐怖的管理费也就都能接受了。你愿意一个基金什么都不敢就收你5%的手续费吗?而且这样还不够,挣的钱的44%都要归他,但是即使这样文艺复兴依旧冠绝全球,而且因为规模太大影响收益率的原因,它的旗舰fund已经关闭了。

有些生存在生死边缘的基金就相对日子比较难过,而且每天要忧愁hurdle rate,不然的话就拿不到后面的20了,第一段其实写得挺真实的,毕竟这个市场上明星经理其实很少,大多数人都平庸(好像任何一个市场都这样?服从大数定理从而服从正太分布?),而身处在基金经理的位子上,又注定压力重重。



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