TE||Teens and screens
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Teens and screens
Cutting adolescents’ use of smartphones and social media is a poor solution to their problems
First they went for tobacco, coal and sugar. Now they are targeting smartphones and social media. On January 6th two large investors in Apple demanded that the technology company must help parents curtail their children’s iPhone use, citing research into the links between adolescent social-media habits and risk factors for suicide, such as depression. Old and new media abound with reports about phones’ addictive, mind-warping properties. On the school run, parents compare tactics for limiting screen time.
Something has made today’s teenagers different from teenagers in the past. As well as being far more temperate and better behaved, they seem more anxious and unhappy. School surveys by the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, suggest that 15-year-olds find it harder to make friends. In America—though, phone bashers should note, not in the rich world as a whole—suicides of young people are up.
Before stampeding for the off switch, parents and others should ask two questions. First, are iPhones, Instagram and so on actually to blame for adolescents’ problems? Second, will curtailing their use do much good? On the available evidence, the answers are, respectively, maybe and no.
在草率地关机处理之前,父母和其它人应该考虑这两个问题。首先,Iphone, Instagram 等等真的应该对青少年的问题负责吗?第二,限制使用时间就会使事态大为改观吗?从现有证据来看,答案分别是也许该负责和不会有改观。”
Some studies of Britain and America, which conduct large surveys of young people, have found correlations between heavy technology use and unhappiness. Correlation is not causation, however: it could be that unhappy people seek refuge online. And the correlations are very weak. Only about 1% of the variability in young people’s mental wellbeing can be explained by social-media or smartphone use. One British study suggests that eating breakfast regularly is more than three times as important.
Perhaps technology has messed up all young people, even those who abstain from it. Maybe it makes everyone feel left out, or thwarts all intimate connections: if your friend is always looking at her phone, it may not matter much whether you are. But if the effects are so amorphous it is hard to know what to do. Should parents gang up on teenagers as a group and enforce a universal crackdown? Should they deal with the inevitable charge of unfairness by applying the same restrictions to themselves? Good luck with that.
Parents who worry about their teenager offspring(which is to say, all parents) can do something, however. Prod them out the house, and worry a bit less about what they get up to. There is plenty of evidence for the cheering effects of hanging out with friends. Yet youngsters are doing less of this. Overprotective parents are probably one reason.
Social pressure is another. It is revealing of broader attitudes that, in Britain, “teenagers hanging out on the streets” is a standard measure of anti-social behaviour. The authoritative Crime Survey of England and Wales asks people whether it is a problem where they live, alongside things such as drug dealing and burnt-out cars. That the rate of adolescent hanging-out has dropped from 33% to 16% in ten years may please criminologists, but is unlikely to signal happier teenagers.
Put them to work
A last cause of teenage angst could be the economy and the job market. The great recession hit young people harder than others. Some teenagers believe they face crushing competition, not only from their peers but from foreigners and robots. All the more reason for governments to work on improving schools and to get rid of job protection for older workers. Teenagers, for their part, could probably handle a bit more work. Even though homework is associated with higher test scores, it declined by an hour a week across the OECD between 2003 and 2012, from six hours to five. Some put in that much time on their phones in a single day.
Wesley, 男,自由职业,经济学人爱好者
Aileen,女,大四数学狗 经济学人爱好者
Cyrus,男, 口译民工,经济学人爱好者
观点 |评论|思考
Neil, 男,外贸民工,经济学人铁粉
Lots of opinions. here is mine, in-line with the author: Parents did it to them by creating a culture of fear, started by media and politicians. Fear of failure ( now we give them all better grades). Fear of walking home from school (they could get snatched by an insane person). Fear to be in large groups (a crazy shooter could kill them). Fear of future poverty (foreigners and automation will take your job). Fear of trying new things (it could hurt if its not supervised by an adult). Social media is the only "safe" thing left that can be done in isolation. This is seriously bad programming that is creating a neurotic generation.
小编理工男,建筑底层民工,经济学人铁粉,和小伙伴(经济学人小群不超过8个人)看经济学人到现在已经将近500多天。现有一经济学人大群,如果您也有兴趣,可加入我们学习小组,群规甚严,请三思后而入群,WeChat : foxwulihua