José González《Stay Alive》



Everyday music




名:《Stay Alive》

歌者José González

词曲Ryan Adams & Theodore Shapiro





There’s a rhythm in rush these days

Where the lights don’t move and the colors don’t fade

Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams

In a world gone shallow

In a world gone lean

[Verse 1]

Sometimes there’s things a man cannot know

Gears won’t turn and the leaves won’t grow

There’s no place to run and no gasoline

Engine won’t turn

And the train won’t leave

Engines won’t turn and the train won’t leave

[Break 1]

I will stay with you tonight

Hold you close 'til the morning light

In the morning watch a new day rise

We’ll do whatever just to stay alive

We’ll do whatever just to stay alive

[Verse 2]

Well the way I feel is the way I write

Nothing like the thoughts of the man who lies

There is a truth and it’s on our side

Dawn is coming

Open your eyes

Look into the sun as the new days rise

[Break 2]

And I will wait for you tonight

You’re here forever and you’re by my side

I’ve been waiting all my life

To feel your heart as it’s keeping time

We’ll do whatever just to stay alive


Dawn is coming

Open your eyes

Dawn is coming

Open your eyes

Dawn is coming

Open your eyes

Dawn is coming

Open your eyes

Look into the sun as the new days rise


There’s a rhythm in rush these days

Where the lights don’t move and the colors don’t fade

Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams

In a world gone shallow

In a world gone lean


But there is a truth and it’s on our side

Dawn is coming

Open your eyes

Look into the sun as a new days rise



今天分享一首  José González 的《Stay Alive》

今天来首舒服的民谣,休息的时日不多了,马上就要回归正常了。这首歌是电影《白日梦想家》(Stay Alive)中的主题曲,电影改编自詹姆斯·瑟伯(James Thurber)的小说《沃尔特·米提的秘密生活》(the Secret Life Of Walter Mitty)。这首歌和Gonzáles的乐队Junip的另外两首歌曲一起出现在原声带专辑中。电影的背景设定在格陵兰岛、冰岛、喜马拉雅山脉下。所以González的歌也设置了一个荒凉的美丽的场景,唤起对于生命意义、个人身份意义的思考。即便没有电影的主题,这首歌依然可以唤起内心的一些东西,毕竟对于个人身份意义的思考,任何时候都不过时。


José González,1978年生于瑞典哥德堡,阿根廷血统,是瑞典独立民谣创作歌手和吉他手。2003年,他在欧洲发行了首张专辑《Veneer》。该专辑于2005年4月25日在英国发行,并于2005年9月6日在美国发行。González与Elias Araya、Tobias Winterkorn一起也是瑞典乐队“Junip”的成员。

他的标志性声音是带有柔和旋律的原声吉他独奏。他的作品,虽然大部分是原创的,也包括一些大热歌曲的原声翻唱,如《Love Will Tear Us Apart》、《Born in america》和《Teardrop》。

