System users and system user groups

Table of contents

1 Foreword  9

1.1 Notes on the documentation 9

1.2 Safety instructions . 10

2 Overview. 11

2.1 Product description 11

2.2 Scenarios. 11

2.3 Architecture . 14

2.3.1 Engineering 14

2.3.2 Client/Server  15

2.4 Business model . 16

3 Installation 17

3.1 System requirements. 17

3.2 Installation . 17

3.3 Licensing . 20

4 Development environment 25

4.1 Quick start 26

4.1.1 HMI Engineering interface . 26

4.1.2 Adding controls  28

4.1.3 Adding events  29

4.1.4 Adding an internal variable  30

4.1.5 Creating a data binding 30

4.1.6 Navigation concept  33

4.1.7 Change the language  33

4.1.8 User Control. 36

4.2 Solution Explorer . 40

4.2.1 Project properties. 41

4.3 Designer  43

4.3.1 Graphic editor: . 45

4.3.2 HTML editor . 46

4.4 Properties  47

4.5 Actions and Conditions Editor . 48

4.5.1 General  49

4.5.2 Controls . 55

4.5.3 Functions . 56

4.5.4 Action Templates . 57

4.6 Document Outline 60

4.7 LiveView  60

4.8 TwinCAT HMI Configuration 63

4.8.1 Server symbols  65

4.8.2 Internal symbols. 71

4.8.3 Localizations  72

4.8.4 Data types 73

4.8.5 Controls . 81

4.8.6 Global Events  82

4.8.7 Parameter  83

4.8.8 Files . 84

4.8.9 Users and user groups  85

4.8.10 Action Templates . 86

4.8.11 Permissions Management . 86

4.9 Localization editor 86

4.10 Symbols and Bindings . 88

4.10.1 Create binding . 88

4.10.2 Create function binding 91

4.10.3 Configure binding. 91

4.11 Functions . 93

4.11.1 Binding. 93

4.11.2 Data Conversion  94

4.11.3 Formatting 99

4.11.4 Locale  101

4.11.5 Recipe 102

4.11.6 Theme 103

4.11.7 User Access Handling . 104

4.12 Publishing  105

4.13 Server configuration  109

4.13.1 ADS . 110

4.14 Package Management. 112

4.14.1 Creating a package 112

4.14.2 Installing a package . 116

4.14.3 Uninstalling a package. 118

4.14.4 Updating a package. 120

4.15 Gallery Explorer. 120

4.16 TwinCAT HMI Toolbar . 121

4.17 TwinCAT HMI Items. 122

5 Controls 125

5.1 General configuration  127

5.1.1 Positioning and calculation of the size of controls . 127

5.1.2 Color editor  129

5.1.3 Transformation editor. 131

5.1.4 Box Shadow Editor  133

5.2 Beckhoff Controls  134

5.2.1 Bar Chart . 135

5.2.2 Button  160

5.2.3 Checkbox. 172

5.2.4 Combobox . 178

5.2.5 Datagrid . 196

5.2.6 Ellipse  216

5.2.7 Event Grid 222

5.2.8 IFrame . 232

5.2.9 Image. 237

5.2.10 Keyboard . 244

5.2.11 Line  258

5.2.12 Line Chart  267

5.2.13 Linear Gauge . 292

5.2.14 Polygon 315

5.2.15 Radial Gauge. 323

5.2.16 Rectangle. 345

5.2.17 Textblock . 353

5.2.18 Textbox  362

5.2.19 Toggle Button  372

5.2.20 Trend Line Chart 379

5.2.21 Video 407

5.3 System Controls  419

5.3.1 Control . 419

5.3.2 Container Control. 445

5.3.3 Container . 451

5.3.4 Content  456

5.3.5 Grid  461

5.3.6 HTML host . 472

5.3.7 Partial. 476

5.3.8 Region . 482

5.3.9 User Control. 490

5.3.10 User Control Host  495

5.3.11 View . 501

5.4 User controls . 506

5.5 Framework controls . 506

5.6 Control rights . 506

6 User Management 507

6.1 Users and user groups  507

6.1.1 Create new user  507

6.1.2 Changing user properties  508

6.1.3 Deleting a user. 509

6.1.4 Creating a new user group  509

6.1.5 Changing user group properties  510

6.1.6 Deleting a user group  510

6.1.7 System users and system user groups 510

6.2 Permissions system. 511

6.2.1 Control level. 511

6.2.2 Symbol level  515

6.2.3 File level. 516

6.3 User Access Handling Functions. 518

7 Event system . 519

7.1 TcHmiEventlogger extension. 519

7.2 Event Grid Control . 520

8 Internationalization 524

8.1 Change the language  524

8.2 Unit conversion 524

9 Themes . 525

9.1 Introduction 525

9.2 Theme editor . 527

9.2.1 Class theme. 528

9.2.2 Control theme  531

9.2.3 CSS theme  532

9.3 Theme switching 534

9.4 Concept . 536

9.4.1 Attribute levels . 538

9.4.2 Element levels . 538

10 Historical data 540

10.1 TcHmiSqliteHistorize extension. 540

10.2 Trend Line Chart Control . 542

11 Recipe management 547

11.1 Management in the engineering  548

11.1.1 Create folder  548

11.1.2 Create new recipe type 549

11.1.3 Changing the recipe type. 549

11.1.4 Recipe Type Editor  550

11.1.5 Deleting a recipe type  555

11.1.6 Creating a new recipe 556

11.1.7 Changing the recipe. 557

11.1.8 Recipe Editor . 557

11.1.9 Delete recipe 559

11.2 Management in the client  559

11.2.1 Example. 559

12 Server . 564

12.1 API Reference . 564

12.1.1 TcHmiSrv Namespace. 564

12.1.2 TcHmiSrv.DynamicSymbols Namespace  953

12.1.3 TcHmiSrv.Management Namespace. 1034

12.2 Appendix 1041

12.2.1 TcHmiAds return codes . 1041

13 Framework . 1044

13.1 API reference. 1044

13.1.1 TcHmi  1045

13.1.2 tchmi_base64decode. 1993

13.1.3 tchmi_base64encode. 1993

13.1.4 tchmi_clone_object  1994

13.1.5 tchmi_equal . 1995

13.1.6 tchmi_path . 1995

13.1.7 tchmi_create_guid . 1996

13.1.8 any . 1996

13.1.9 Array  1996

13.1.10 boolean  1996

13.1.11 JQuery . 1997

13.1.12 Date . 1997

13.1.13 number. 1997

13.1.14 null . 1997

13.1.15 object . 1997

13.1.16 string  1997

13.1.17 undefined . 1997

13.1.18 TcHmiCharting.LineGraph.Point 1998

13.1.19 TcHmiCharting.IAxis.Position  1998

13.2 Scripting languages . 1998

13.2.1 JavaScript  1999

13.3 Controls . 2012

13.3.1 Introduction  2012

13.3.2 First steps  2013

13.3.3 Development environment. 2016

13.3.4 Properties  2017

14 Samples 2058

14.1 Controls . 2058

14.1.1 Barchart . 2058

14.1.2 Combobox . 2058

14.1.3 Datagrid . 2058

14.1.4 Grid  2058

14.1.5 Event Grid 2058

14.1.6 Linechart  2058

14.1.7 Trend Line Chart 2058

14.2 Rezeptverwaltung 2058

15 Appendix  2059

15.1 Schema . 2059

15.1.1 General  2059

15.1.2 framework  2073

15.1.3 server. 2149

15.2 Return Codes  2162

15.2.1 ADS Return Codes  2162

15.3 Troubleshooting. 2165

15.3.1 Windows error reporting  2165

15.3.2 Client Console . 2165

15.3.3 Engineering server. 2166

