Scientific Reports:射频治疗能够改变癌细胞表型

2015年7月14日/生物谷BIOON/--关注癌细胞的生理特性变化被证明越来越有着重要意义。这是因为,通过评估癌细胞的生理特性或者表型,能够为我们提供很多细胞的行为(包括转移和细胞间交流)的信息。这些生理特征或者表型在不同类型的癌细胞、正常细胞中表现不同,而且还会随着治疗产生差异,同时在疾病的不同阶段也是大相径庭。美国德克萨斯州研究者们在《Scientific Reports》发文称,他们发现,胰腺癌细胞会因为射频治疗(Radiofrequency treatment)而发生改变。
这个来自美国德州休斯顿的课题组,在射频处理 ,通过明场显微镜、扫描电镜以及原子力显微镜以及一些其他方法的检测,胰腺癌细胞的细胞拓扑结构、形态、移动性、吸附以及分裂都收受到了影响,而产生了变化。而且不仅是癌细胞,普通细胞在射频处理前后的细胞表型也存在显著差异。例如,恶性癌细胞在射频处理后,细胞会缩小,而正常的胰腺细胞则没有明显的形态变化。对于移动性,胰腺癌细胞在射频处理后移动性增加,而普通胰腺细胞则在射频处理20小时后移动性变弱。还有些其他的数据包括细胞的存活率、细胞生物物理特性的检测,都表明了非侵入式的射频治疗会对癌细胞以及普通细胞产生不同影响。

Radiofrequency treatment alters cancer cell phenotype
The importance of evaluating physical cues in cancer research is gradually being realized. Assessment of cancer cell physical appearance, or phenotype, may provide information on changes in cellular behavior, including migratory or communicative changes. These characteristics are intrinsically different between malignant and non-malignant cells and change in response to therapy or in the progression of the disease. Here, we report that pancreatic cancer cell phenotype was altered in response to a physical method for cancer therapy, a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) treatment, which is currently being developed for human trials. We provide a battery of tests to explore these phenotype characteristics. Our data show that cell topography, morphology, motility, adhesion and division change as a result of the treatment. These may have consequences for tissue architecture, for diffusion of anti-cancer therapeutics and cancer cell susceptibility within the tumor. Clear phenotypical differences were observed between cancerous and normal cells in both their untreated states and in their response to RF therapy. We also report, for the first time, a transfer of microsized particles through tunneling nanotubes, which were produced by cancer cells in response to RF therapy. Additionally, we provide evidence that various sub-populations of cancer cells heterogeneously respond to RF treatment.