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A Community of Scholars

Founded in 1701 by Congregationalist ministers, Yale hasmaintained a commitment to academic excellence ever since. But don’t let theworld-renowned professors intimidate you—the University is well-known for itsstrong focus on undergraduate education, which means that faculty members arenot so pressured to publish and conduct research that they fail to throwthemselves wholeheartedly into teaching their undergraduates. One sophomoresaid she has found that there is a “robust dialogue between students andfaculty.” And while entering an academic institution filled with thousands ofother motivated high-achievers may seem daunting as well, Yalies—who are knownas both Bulldogs and Elis—find that their fellow students provide a supportiverather than cutthroat environment and are usually more than willing to study andbrainstorm together.

As part of its liberal arts curriculum, Yale requiresstudents to fulfill 36 credits—as opposed to the 32 mandated by the other IvyLeague schools—including courses to fulfill a major and two course credits eachin the humanities and arts, the sciences, the social sciences, quantitativereasoning and writing. The additional foreign language requirement may becompleted with between one and three courses, depending on previous languagestudy. While these rigorous requirements contribute to an intense academicenvironment, students said, rather than oppressive, they found the challenge tobe more of an opportunity to thrive. One junior remarked that he felt “acceptablyoverwhelmed.”

One reason that many students feeloverwhelmed is the 2,000 courses from which to choose. During the first twoweeks of each semester, students take advantage of “shopping period” byattending as many classes as they wish—and sometimes as many as they can fitinto a day—and deciding whether they like the professor and course materialbefore officially enrolling. And when the time comes to enroll in courses, studentsreport little trouble in gaining access to the ones they want, with theexception of some competitive seminars with caps of 15 to 18 participants, andeven then “talking to the professor and making your case usually does thetrick.” Most courses have between 15 and 30 students, though some introductorylectures host more than 100.Among the most popular majors are history,economics, and political science, and there is a lot of interest in psychologyand the premed track, particularly biology. Professors and courses thatstudents highly recommended included Introduction to Psychology with eitherPaul Bloom or Marvin Chun, History of Modern China with Jonathan Spence, Sex, Evolution,and Human Nature with Laurie Santos, and Constitutional Law with Akhil Amar.

For those looking to fulfill thedistributional requirements, there are a variety of gut courses, includingPhilosophy of Science, and Computers and the Law, although some students warnedthat while there may be less work, these supposedly easy classes are notguaranteed A’s. Humanities-oriented students who take gut classes instead ofopting to hike up “Science Hill” early each morning are often ridiculed by themore scientifically inclined, and a mechanical engineering major said he andhis friends “do debate there lative difficulty of the sciences and thehumanities.” Other students said while classrooms in the different disciplinesare separated geographically by the Hill, residential life and extracurricularsbring everyone together seamlessly. An English majors aid she enjoys that Yale’sacademic life “really helps stimulate interesting conversations outside theclassroom.



