【例句】But the airborne measles virus is so contagious that a second vaccination, giveneither routinely or in a mass campaign, is often needed.
【同根词】Aberdeen; amphora; anaphora; aquifer; auriferous; bairn; barrow (n.1) "frame for carrying a load;" bear (v.); bearing; Berenice; bier; birth; bring; burden (n.1) "a load;" carboniferous; Christopher; chromatophore; circumference; confer; conference; conifer; cumber; cumbersome; defer (v.2) "yield;" differ; difference; differentiate; efferent; esophagus; euphoria; ferret; fertile; Foraminifera; forbear (v.); fossiliferous; furtive; indifferent; infer; Inverness; Lucifer; metaphor; odoriferous; offer; opprobrium; overbear; paraphernalia; periphery; pestiferous; pheromone; phoresy; phosphorus; Porifera; prefer; proffer; proliferation; pyrophoric; refer; reference; semaphore; somniferous; splendiferous; suffer; transfer; vociferate; vociferous.
【例句】Such a beam would easily penetrate the star's outer layer, but the stellar corewould be sufficiently dense to absorb part of it.
【同根词】condense density dense
【造词理据】拟声词,源自PIE词根*mele-(粉碎=crush、磨碎=grind),模仿击打的声音,借指打击、打碎,后指球棍(mallet)。16世纪的意大利人实在没啥娱乐的。一条巷道里,一端悬挂一铁圈,另一端用一把 mallet (槌棒;木槌;球棍),击打一直径四英寸左右的木球穿过铁圈,谁用的次数最少谁获胜,巷道两旁种着花花草草,各种贩夫走卒做着买卖,于是, mall 就这样诞生了。
【例句】And doing so is often easier and quicker from behind a computer screen than ina busy high street or shopping mall.
【同根词】amyl; amyloid; blintz; emmer; emolument; immolate; maelstrom; mall; malleable; malleolus; mallet; malleus; maul; meal (n.2) "edible ground grain;" mill (n.1) "building fitted to grind grain;" millet; mola; molar (n.); mold (n.3) "loose earth;" molder; ormolu; pall-mall.
【例句】We can measure the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital velocities, and figureout how much mass is in this cluster.我们可以测量这些星系的速率,它们的轨道速度,并算出星系团中有多少质量。
【同根词】cleat clod clout cluster clutter klutz clot