
In recent years, the situation of idolatry has become more and more intense. Many people, especially girls, have their own idols. Poisonous people also like several idols at the same time. They choose their favorite idols for many reasons, such as those who can compose, sing, dance, act and so on. In addition, people not only have their favorite idols in the entertainment circle, but also in the game circle, basketball group, hip hop circle and so on.

Fans because of the talent of the idol and gradually become their iron powder, even brain powder. People generally don't understand or even hate the behavior of brain powder, because they over maintain and maliciously promote idols in unrelated posts, which disturb other people's space, and some over interfere in the privacy and safety of idols, leading to casualties. I think that hardcore fans should communicate with their idols on the premise of ensuring their safety and maintaining their privacy, rather than directly interfering with them. We should not interfere with other people who are surfing the Internet. Cyberspace belongs to everyone, and we should not be arbitrary and disobey morality and rules. We should not neglect the safety of the idol in order to get our own interests, such as for the signature or group photo of the star.

最近几年,关于偶像崇拜的情况越演越烈。许多人,特别是女生,都有属于自己的偶像,有些人还同时喜欢好几个偶像。他们在选择喜欢的偶像时会分很多种原因,例如,会作曲的,会唱歌的,会跳舞的,会演戏的等等。除此之外,人们不仅在娱乐圈有自己喜欢的偶像,甚至在游戏圈,篮球群,hip hop圈等等也有。


