Andrew Stevovich(上)

Andrew Stevovich 1948年出生于奥地利,1950年随家人移民美国,童年在华盛顿特区度过。1970年他毕业于著名的罗德岛艺术学院,随后研究生毕业于马萨诸塞艺术学院绘画系。他于1971年在波士顿首次举办个展。Andrew Stevovich最为知名的是结合抽象形式与具象叙述的一些列油画和色粉作品;除此之外,他还制作铜版画与木版画。Andrew Stevovich先工作生活于美国马萨诸塞州。

Andrew Stevovich的作品深受乔托,杜乔,萨塞塔,安吉利科和其他早期的意大利文艺复兴时期艺术家以及保罗·高更和德国表现主义艺术家如埃里希·赫克尔的影响。

Artist's Statement

There are two major influences on my work: the early Italian Renaissance, (from Giotto to Fran Angelico and Piero della Francesca), and Expressionism, (which I define to include not only artists such as Heckel, Munch and Beckmann, but also Gauguin and, though he is outside the category, Seurat). The humanism, abstraction and discipline of the former, the color and psychology of the latter, have all been of fundamental importance to my work.

I will leave the viewers to exercise their own creativity and thought in regard to the meaning of the work. My own feeling is that paintings are in a way very much like mirrors; mirrors that will reflect better and be far more interesting without the intrusion of the artist's verbal explanations

因为Andrew Stevovich的作品数量实在惊人,因此作者将分今明两天分别给大家呈现,今天先给大家看的是他早期至九十年代的作品。作者十分喜爱Andrew的作品,希望大家也能够喜欢。

