支招小作文(五) | 地图题真的有那么难吗?


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The two maps, put together, display the change of Grange Park.

In 1920, visitors 【← 引入visitor视角就好写了】 would see a fountain in the park’s center as they entered from either Arnold Avenue or Eldon Street. They would see a musical stage west of the fountain and rose gardens on the north and south sides of the stage, and seats were available in the vicinity of each garden. 【← 不把每个细节特征拆成独立的句子,就可以控制篇幅→】 In the east, visitors would see another rose garden, by the Arnold Avenue entrance, a pond for aquatic plants in the northwestern corner, and a glasshouse by the Eldon Street entrance with seats nearby.

* 注意:“visitor视角”写法并不意味着大家抛弃描述方位。

【在历史情况的基础上,写出关键区别】At present, the fountain is replaced with a square-shaped rose garden surrounded by seats, and the musical stage is developed into an amphitheater for concerts. Visitors 【← 引入visitor视角就好写了】 entering from Arnold Avenue will see a café and a children’s playground in the corner instead of the rose garden and the pond. 【← 不把每个细节特征拆成独立的句子,就可以控制篇幅→】Visitors entering from the Eldon Street entrance will see a water feature on their right. It is also notable that there is an underground car park near the water feature.

* 当然,是不是有更简洁高效的介绍方法?有的。但是,对于地图这种“难”题,我们先规矩着来。主要了解和在练习中尝试“visitor视角”写法

【地图的综述很好写,就写变化程度的大小】Clearly, the park is enormously different from it was in the year of 1920.

