“Go banana”可不是“走吧,香蕉”,翻译错可是会被人笑话的
second bananasecond banana可不是第二根香蕉,它一个典型的美国俚语,主要有三种含义:a.在戏剧中,表示配角,次要角色;b.次要人物;c.副手,第二把手例句:I don't want to be the second banana.我不想当配角。
top banana它的意思可不是'顶尖的香蕉”!它的意思是主要人物、大老板、最好的演员或重要的官员”,可与 “second banana” 相对比学习。例句:He's the top banana in this company.他是这家公司的大老板。
to go bananas这个短语什么意思呢?想想是去拿香蕉吗?还是香蕉自己暴走啦?哈,大声读一遍,是不是有一种发泄怒气的快感?所以“to go bananas”是“激动、疯狂、神魂颠倒”的意思(注意这里的banana 要用复数哦)。例句:Your dad will go bananas if he finds you were smoking.你老爸要是发现你在抽烟的话,他会气疯了。she went bananas when she found him cheating。她发现他欺骗时气得要命。
banana oil明显夸大的吹捧(花言巧语)例句:Cut out the banana oil; flattery will get you nowhere!别花言巧语了,吹捧是不会使你捞到好处的。
说完了有关香蕉的俚语,是不是觉得还有点不过瘾?那我们再一起看看还有哪些有关食品的习惯用语吧!1.Butter 黄油Butter someone up 过分恭维某人、拍马屁例句:I've seen you buttering up the boss.我看见你巴结老板了
2.Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth看起来很天真,实际不是例句:Peter the intern is rude to all the other interns, but when he talks to his supervisor,Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.实习生Peter跟其他实习生都很粗鲁,可是当跟他的主管说话时,他满口都是奉承话的。3.The big cheese 很有影响力的人例句:That's Brandon, He's the big cheese around here, so you want to get on his good side.Brandon是这里很有影响力的人,你要想办法获得他的青睐。
4.Spill the beans 泄露秘密例句:Come on! Tell me! Spill the beans! What did he say?快告诉我,他说了什么呢?5.Sharp cookie 很聪明的人,很机灵的人例句:You can't fool Yuyang,She's a sharp cookie.你不会骗到于洋的,她很聪敏的。
6.Cool as a cucumber非常冷静镇定自若的人例句:She always stays cool as a cucumber when things go wrong .有事情发生时,她都会保持镇定自若。