The submarine was found on August 11, about 15 hours after it had departed Copenhagen.
1. on August 11
2. about 15 hours
3. after it had departed Copenhagen
这三个时间之间是密切联系的:“潜艇离开哥本哈根的时间(具体时间未知)”;“大约过了15小时后”;“8月11日”(甚至还可以继续添加时间如:2017)。把这三个时间合在一起,就是一个时间状语。其修饰关系是: about 15 hours after it had departed Copenhagen 修饰 August 11(即:离开哥本哈根大约15小时后的8月11日),而after it had departed Copenhagen 修饰 about 15 hours。 我可以明确地说:一个谓语动词有两个或三个时间状语的说法,本身就违背逻辑,一个动作的发生就“一个时间状语”,不可能出现两个或三个时间状语,语法意义上的“时间状语”不等于“时间”。
一、15 hours after it had departed Copenhagen 符合汉语习惯的正确翻译是:“在潜艇离开哥本哈根大约15小时后”,不是“在潜艇离开哥本哈根后大约15小时”。同理,He left three hours before I arrived. 应译为:“在我到达的3小时前他离开了”,不可译为:“在我到达前3小时他离开了”。
二、建议曹老师,把题目中的 “后面的时间短语作定语修饰前面的时间短语” 改一下。忽略位置和顺序,可否这样表述:几个时间修饰同一个谓语动词时,它们之间是修饰关系,还是几个状语共同修饰一个谓语动词?因为,有时为了修辞需要,大的时间可能在前,小的时间可能在后。
三、不要认为在8月11日这个时间很大、很长,事实上,它就是一个“时间点”,不是“一整天”,它完全可以被另外一个时间所修饰。其实,终止性动词find 决定了 on August 11 是一个“时间点”。潜艇是在这一天的某个时刻发现的,不是一整天都在发现。要论长短,它还不如 for two minutes 时间长!
★ 在现实语言中,如果几个时间排列在一起,通常把最较短的放在前面,把最长的放在最后。例如:Yesterday just before breakfast when I was writing a letter, Mr. Smith called at my house. ——先是单词,然后是短语,最后是从句。我认为,这种时间顺序的排列是修辞的需要。也可以这样说: Just before breakfast yesterday when I was writing a letter, Mr. Smith called at my house. 句子的时间状语Just before breakfast yesterday when I was writing a letter 是一个整体,它们之间是修饰关系:yesterday修饰Just before breakfast,when I was writing a letter是定语从句,修饰Just before breakfast yesterday,不可分割成3个时间状语。
【个人观点】on August 11, about 15 hours after it had departed Copenhagen 是一个时间状语。它是一个整体,不应该分割成几个孤立的时间。一个句子中,可能出现“两个或两个以上的表示时间的词语”,但不能称为“两个或两个以上的时间状语”,因为它们之间不是孤立的、分割的,而是一个相互关联的时间整体。这是因为一个动作发生的时间只有一个,也就是说,修饰谓语动词的时间状语也是一个。这就是问题的关键所在。逻辑分析充分说明,这几个时间状语之间是一种修饰和被修饰的关系。
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since, before, after 可以用作关系副词,引导定语从句
有网友问,Every hour since I came has been most enjoyable. 我来之后的每一个小时都非常好玩。在这个句子中,since I came 是状语从句,还是定语从句?
since I came,无论从意思还是位置来看,都是作every hour 的定语。如果是时间状语,它的位置要么在句首,要么在句末,不可能放在目前的这个位置。例如,以下句子才是时间状语:
Since I came every hour has been most enjoyable.
Every hour has been most enjoyable since I came.
1. She ate your candy last night when you were asleep. 昨晚在你睡觉时,她吃了你的糖果。
2. More than half the class played truant last week when there was a test. 上周测验时,这个班有半数以上的学生逃学。
传统语法的观点是,句1中的last night 和when you were asleep都是时间状语,同时修饰谓语动词ate。句2中的last week 和when there was a test 都是时间状语,同时修饰谓语动词played truant。
这纯属一种误解。实际上,以上两句中的when you were asleep和when there was a test都是定语从句,分别修饰last night和last week。因为它们之间既不是“并列关系”,也不是“同位关系”,而是“修饰关系”。
还有一种观点认为,last night 是修饰when 从句的。理由是,She ate your candy last night when you were asleep. 翻译成汉语是“昨晚在你睡觉时,她吃了你的糖果。”从翻译上看,该句中last night是说明睡觉的时间,似乎是修饰从句的。而且还可以转换为:She ate your candy when you were asleep last night. 所以就认为when you were asleep 是状语从句。
其实,这属于一厢情愿的解释,这种理解并不正确。last night 若是修饰when 从句的话,它必须放在when 从句之内,而不是when 从句之外——这就是问题的关键!
事实上last night 是修饰主句谓语动词ate 的,然后,when you were asleep 修饰last night,充当定语从句。关于翻译和理解:
【特别指出】有人可能误认为“昨天晚上”是一个很长的时间段,其实不然。如She ate your candy last night. 这句话,意思是:糖果是在昨天晚上“某个时间”吃的,而不是吃了整个一晚上,不要认为last night 的时间很长。在这个句子中,它只是个时间点。正因为此,我们用定语从句 when you were asleep 来修饰它,限定它,把last night 这个时间具体化。
汉语把 last night 放在从句中翻译,这只是翻译上的变通处理,都无法改变它们之间的修饰关系。
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网友问:Ten people were killed and several were injured last night when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange. 这个句子中,when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange. 是时间状语从句,还是定语从句?
在确定它是什么从句之前,我先假设when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange和last night之间,可能存在的3种关系:
1. 并列关系 (如果是并列关系,那么when 就是状语从句,跟时间状语last night 共同修饰谓语动词)
2. 同位关系(如果是同位关系,那么when 就是名词性从句,不是状语从句)
3. 修饰关系(如果是修饰关系,那么when 就是定语从句,修饰限定last night)
1. 并列关系? 如果是并列关系,那么,last night 和when 之间应该可以加上and, or 等连词连接,以“A and B”或“A or B” 的结构出现,例如:
He stayed at home yesterday and today. 他昨天和今天都呆在家里。
It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow. 你今天或明天去没有多大关系。
He stayed at home today and yesterday.
It won't make much difference whether you go tomorrow or today.
那么,last night与when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange是否存在上述两种关系呢?
(1)加连词and:Ten people were killed and several were injured last night and when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange.
(2)交换位置:Ten people were killed and several were injured when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange and last night.
上述两句显然讲不通。由此可以推断:last night 与when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange 不存在并列关系。
2. 同位关系? when 可以引导同位语从句,但有两个不可忽略的事实:(一)这个when 必须带有疑问副词的含义(“什么时候”);(二)when 之前的同位语是一个带有疑问的名词。例如:
The question when we will have the meeting has not been answered. 我们什么时候要开会的问题,没有得到答复。
last night 没有疑问的意思,when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange 也没有“什么时候”之意,因此都不具备上述两个条件,所以不存在同位关系。
3. 修饰关系。所谓修饰关系,就是when从句修饰并限定last night。上述两种关系都一一排除了,那么,离正确的答案就越来越近了。
英语中的时间状语,如果一个句子中出现两个甚至多个时间,那么它们之间是修饰或限定的关系,这在英语中十分常见。现在以 in October 为例进行扩展:
I met Alice in October.
I met Alice in October last year. (last year修饰October)
I met Alice in October last year when I was studying at Beijing University.
(when I was studying at Beijing University定语从句,修饰in October last year)
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推而广之,不仅when可以引导定语从句(因为when用作关系副词引导定语从句,大家比较容易接受),而且像其他一些时间引导词(在确认是“关系副词”之前,暂且叫“引导词”,不叫“连词”),如since, before, after 等,均可以用在另外一个表时间的名词后面,作定语。例如:
1. He has worn a long face every day since his demotion. 他被降职以来,天天愁眉苦脸。
2. He has worn a long face every day since he was demoted. 他被降职以来,天天愁眉苦脸。
1. I went shopping the day before yesterday. 我前天去购物了。(“昨天前的那一天”=“前天”)
2. I went shopping the day before the guests arrived. 在客人到来的前一天,我去购物了。
1. We will start off the day after tomorrow. 我们后天就出发。(“明天后的那一天”=“后天”)
2. We will start off the day after they arrive. 我们将在他们到达后的第二天出发。
when, since, before, after 这4个词,引导定语从句后,不再叫“从属连词”,而是叫“关系副词”。这4个关系副词,表达的意思不同,区别如下:
1. when 侧重定语从句跟先行词时间的重合。如:last night 和when you were asleep的时间是重合的,至少是有重合点。
2. since 把先行词的时间,限制在since 句子发生以来的范围。如:every day since he was demoted说明“愁眉苦脸”发生在“降职以来的每一天”,“降职之前”则是兴高采烈。
3. before 把先行词的时间,限制在before 句子发生之前。如:the day before the guests arrived说明“购物”是在客人到来的前一天,不是当天。如果是当天的话,则说:I went shopping (on) the day when the guests arrived.
4. after 把先行词的时间,限制在after 句子发生之后。如:the day after they arrive说明“出发”是在他们到来的后一天,不是当天。如果是当天的话,则说:We will start off (on) the day when they arrive.
He has thought of her every day since they last parted. 自从上次离别,他每天都想念着她。
The water supply company has supplied 170, 000 cubic-meter water to the city every day since it was established 20 years ago. 供水公司自20年前成立以来,每天向城市供水170000立方米。
For most of the time since it gained independence, the country has been ruled by the cruel man. 在获得独立后的大部分时间里,该国一直被无情的人所统治。
She recalls the time before she knew him, and it was so wonderful. 她回忆起认识他之前的那段时间,那是多么美好啊。
The day before the wedding was held, Anna wept all night. 在婚礼举行的前一天,安娜哭了一夜。
It happened (on) the day before you returned. 它发生在你回来的前一天。
Every day before class begins the teacher always calls the roll. 每天开始上课前,老师经常要点名。
Why do I find the Internet, games and music as my best friend every day after I am off work? 为什么每天下班后,我都把上网、玩游戏、听音乐看作我最好的朋友?
The conveyance shall be cleaned and disinfected in good time every day after the carriage work is finished. 每天运送工作结束后,应当对运送工具及时进行清洁和消毒。
Now you know you'll have to clean your bathtub every time after you use it. 你现在该知道你要每天用完后清理浴室下水道了吧。
The time bomb exploded at noon, three hours after it had been placed in position.
(注:该句跟讨论的句子如此相似,简直如出一辙! )
除了when引导定语从句外,before, after, since 同样可以引导,我又找了一些足以佐证的例句,它们都是定语从句,不是状语从句。
1. The woman loves to look back upon the time before she got married.
2. I hate the time after sunset before you come home.
3. She made provision for the time after she stopped working by saving money while she worked.
4. They relish the time before and after the committee work is done.
5. In the time before books appeared, children learned fairy tales by listening to them over and over again.
6. He has been a brick during the time since my husband was put into prison on an unjust charge.
7. For most of the time since he died, the first interpretation has appeared to predominate.