Standardized Work Introduction-10作业组合表

10 Steps for creating the WCT:  作业组合表制作步骤

1.Fill in all appropriateinformation regarding Group Name, Operation Number, and Process Name.
2.Fill in Takt Time and CycleTime.
3.Draw a red vertical lineindicating Takt Time on the graph.

4.Using the Time MeasurementSheet, fill in the Work Element section with the work elements performed by theoperator in the sequence they are performed. DO NOT LIST WALKING STEPS OR MACHINE CYCLES ON THEIR OWN LINE.  These times are entered with the manual workelements to with they are associated.

5.Fill in the times for eachelement.
6.Fill in the machine time foreach applicable element.
7.Enter the walking time betweeneach element.
8.On the diagram, beginning atthe top left, graph the appropriate Work Element time, Machine Work, Walkingand Waiting time using the representation located on the top-center of thechart.
填写线体名称,员工编号(OP1), 作业流程
What does this show us?这向我们展现了什么?
·Can we complete the work on time?
·How do the machine and the operator interact?
·How can we decrease Walk and Non-valued added work?
Notice that in this example, the operator activates a machine in step 1,but does NOT have to wait for it to complete. So the work combination table shows his walking (red swiggles) andmanual work continuing (blue lines) underneath the dashed green line showingthe machine cycle.
For machine 2, he is forced to wait (dwell) while holding buttons, so awaiting arrow is shown for 2 secs under the machine before the work starts again.   Note that the walking steps and the machinesteps do not have their own numbered steps. Machine time is shown on the same line with the manual work.  Walking is always shown in the last column,staggered between each work element. Notice also, that the last walking step always returns to the firstline.
注意,移动步骤和机器运行没有编号. 机器时间与手工时间显示在同一行,移动显示在最后一行.在每个作业要素中分开显示, 还要注意,最后的作业步骤要返回到第一行.
