Protein G标记peroxidase/Agarose Beads/thiol/Biotin/Biotin


重组蛋白质 G (rProtein G) 琼脂糖适合使用柱层析或免疫沉淀法的 IgG 抗体纯化。 这种包含基因改造型链球菌蛋白 G 的基质可消除血清白蛋白的结合,同时保持 IgG 同型的 Fc 域结合效率。rProtein G 在大肠杆菌中生产,纯化后,通过溴化氰共价固定在 4% 琼脂糖微珠上。和蛋白 A 相比,rProtein G 琼脂糖能结合的 IgG 同型更多。rProtein G 琼脂糖能结合 >18 mg 人 IgG/ml 凝胶。 在亲和层析中,rProtein G 琼脂糖的结合性能和稳定性使其可以提高速度,还可以重复使用。


Recombinant Protein A-CY5

Recombinant Protein A-CY3

Recombinant Protein A-CY5.5

Recombinant Protein A-peroxidase (HRP)

Recombinant Protein A-Agarose Beads

Recombinant Protein A-Biotin

Recombinant Protein A-thiol

Recombinant Protein A-tetramethylrhodamine

Recombinant Protein A-FITC

Recombinant Protein A (without modification)

Protein G (recombinant)产品:

Recombinant Protein G-CY5

Recombinant Protein G-CY3

Recombinant Protein G-CY5.5

Recombinant Protein G-peroxidase (HRP)

Recombinant Protein G-Agarose Beads

Recombinant Protein G-thiol

Recombinant Protein G-Biotin

Recombinant Protein G-FITC

Recombinant Protein G (without modification)

Recombinant Protein G-TRITC

Human IgG Agarose Beads  (Human IgG conjugated to agarose beads)

Human IgG Biotin         (Human IgG conjugated to biotin)

Human IgG CY3          (Human IgG conjugated to CY3)

Human IgG CY5          (Human IgG conjugated to CY5)

Human IgG CY5.5        (Human IgG conjugated to CY5.5)

Human IgG FITC         (Human IgG conjugated to FITC)

Human IgG               (Minimum 95% purity)

IgG from mouse产品:

Mouse IgG CY3          (Mouse IgG conjugated to CY3)

Mouse IgG CY5          (Mouse IgG conjugated to CY5)

Mouse IgG CY5.5         (Mouse IgG conjugated to CY5.5)

Mouse IgG FITC         (Mouse IgG conjugated to FITC)

Mouse IgG Agarose Beads  (Mouse IgG conjugated to agarose beads)

Mouse IgG Biotin         (Mouse IgG conjugated to biotin)

Mouse IgG thiol          (Mouse IgG conjugated to thiol)

Mouse IgG HRP           (Mouse IgG conjugated to HRP)

Mouse IgG tetramethylrhodamine       (Mouse IgG conjugated to tetramethylrhodamine)

Mouse IgG (without modification)


