





美国印象派女画家 September McGee,出生于1953年。她最出名的是她的绘画作品,最近发布了几个新的令人兴奋的系列。她的画作以无与伦比的能量画出,唤起了一种感性的魔力和浪漫主义。




September McGee, American impressionist painter, was born in 1953. She is best known for her paintings and has recently released several exciting new series.

Her paintings evoke a kind of sensuous magic and Romanticism with unequalled energy. Her Innovative Palette combines texture and lively brush strokes to define McGee's unique impressionist style.

As a recipient of awards and honors from many national judging exhibitions, and with a broad resume of more than 50 well known judging exhibitions to date, McGee has built her national reputation as an important American painter.

McGee is versatile in a variety of media, pursuing excellence and expanding his style and work. McGee's paintings have been published in pastel magazines and exhibited with the Pacific Symphony.

Her work is held in galleries and in numerous private and public collections around the world. McGee was appointed an elected member of the American Society of artists in New York State, and also owns the New York Connecticut Pastel Association,

CT and the American Pastel Association of PSWC, California signed member of honor. McGee is also a published author whose latest book, 'Love is my favorite color, ' a series of paintings and inspirations is about to be released.

