政观快递 | APSR, Vol.114, No.2(下)
期刊简介:《美国政治学评论》(American Political Science Review, APSR)是美国政治学会(American Political Science Association, APSA)旗下最知名的季刊。自1906年创刊并由剑桥大学出版社出版以来,逐步成为政治学最具权威性的期刊之一。内容涉及政治学理论、美国政治、公共政策、公共管理、比较政治、国际关系等。
7. 用人际对话减少排他态度:来自三次田野实验的证据
8. 富裕美国人对社会地位和经济保守主义的渴求
9. 不平等的地理学:土地使用管制如何产生种族隔离?
10. 一人一票:评估美国大选中双重投票的盛行
11. 谁投票更具策略性?
12. 社会网络结构与公共物品供应的政治:来自菲律宾的证据
13. 早期民主的起源
14. 从伊斯兰主义者到穆斯林民主派:突尼斯复兴党的案例分析
15. 国家影响有限地区中的关系型国家建构:关于警察态度的实验证据
16. 贫民窟里的杀戮:里约热内卢的社会秩序、犯罪治理和警察暴力
17. 第三帝国的遗产:集中营和群体外的不宽容
题目:Reducing Exclusionary Attitudes through Interpersonal Conversation: Evidence from Three Field Experiments
作者:Joshua L. Kalla,耶鲁大学政治学、统计与数据科学助理教授
David E. Broockman,加州大学伯克利分校政治学系副教授
摘要:排他态度——对外部群体和对自身有利政策的反对者的偏见——正在向世界范围内的民主社会提出挑战。借助心理学的观点,本文认为人际间以非批判性交流叙述方式进行的对话可以持续地减少排他态度。本文用来自三个预注册的针对非法移民和变性人态度的田野实验支持了这一观点。在这些实验中,230名游说者与来自美国七个地区的6869名选民进行了对话。在实验1中,仅陈述观点的面对面对话对选民针对移民政策的态度或偏见没有影响,但相同的包含非评判性叙述的对话至少在四个月的时间里减少了排他态度(d=0.08)。以对变性人态度为对象的实验2和实验3印证了这些发现,并进一步支持了这种策略的可扩展性(ds=0.08, 0.04)。非评判性叙述能够帮助克服人们在讨论争议话题时常见的对说服的抵制。
Exclusionary attitudes—prejudice toward outgroups and opposition to policies that promote their well-being—are presenting challenges to democratic societies worldwide. Drawing on insights from psychology, we argue that non-judgmentally exchanging narratives in interpersonal conversations can facilitate durable reductions in exclusionary attitudes. We support this argument with evidence from three pre-registered field experiments targeting exclusionary attitudes toward unauthorized immigrants and transgender people. In these experiments, 230 canvassers conversed with 6,869 voters across 7 US locations. In Experiment 1, face-to-face conversations deploying arguments alone had no effects on voters’ exclusionary immigration policy or prejudicial attitudes, but otherwise identical conversations also including the non-judgmental exchange of narratives durably reduced exclusionary attitudes for at least four months (d = 0.08). Experiments 2 and 3, targeting transphobia, replicate these findings and support the scalability of this strategy (ds = 0.08, 0.04). Non-judgmentally exchanging narratives can help overcome the resistance to persuasion often encountered in discussions of these contentious topics.
题目:The Desire for Social Status and Economic Conservatism among Affluent Americans
作者:Adam Thal,耶鲁大学博士后
Affluent Americans have disproportionate influence over policymaking and often use their power to advance conservative economic policies that increase inequality. I show that this behavior is partially driven by affluent Americans’ desire for social status. First, I use a new survey scale to show that affluent Americans’ desire for social status strongly predicts their level of economic conservatism. Second, I test my theory experimentally in the context of social media. On sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, affluent Americans compete for social status by sharing curated versions of their lives that highlight their upper-class lifestyle. When I randomly assign affluent Americans to experience this status competition, it causes them to become more economically conservative. The results help us understand the social and psychological origins of economic conservatism among affluent Americans, and provide the first evidence that social media encourages political behaviors that are conducive to inequality.
题目:The Geography of Inequality: How Land Use Regulation Produces Segregation
作者:Jessica Trounstine,加利福尼亚大学默塞德分校董事会主席兼政治学教授
Public goods in the United States are largely funded and delivered at the local level. Local public goods are valuable, but their production requires overcoming several collective action problems including coordinating supply and minimizing congestion, free-riding, and peer effects. Land use regulations, promulgated by local governments, allow communities to solve the collective action problems inherent in the provision of local public goods and maintenance of property values. A consequence of these efforts is residential segregation between cities along racial lines. I provide evidence that more stringent land use regulations are supported by whiter communities and that they preserve racial homogeneity. First, I show that cities that were whiter than their metropolitan area in 1970 are more likely to have restrictive land use patterns in 2006. Then, relying on Federal Fair Housing Act lawsuits to generate changes in land use policy, I show that restrictive land use helps to explain metropolitan area segregation patterns over time. Finally, I draw on precinct level initiative elections from several California cities to show that whiter neighborhoods are more supportive of restricting development. These results strongly suggest that even facially race-neutral land use policies have contributed to racial segregation.
题目:One Person, One Vote: Estimating the Prevalence of Double Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections
作者:Sharad Goel,斯坦福大学管理科学与工程系助理教授, Marc Meredith, 宾夕法尼亚大学政治学系副教授,Michael Morse, 圣迭戈大学政治学系博士;David M Rothschild, 微软研究所研究员;Houshmand Shirani-Mehr,斯坦福大学管理科学与工程系博士研究生
Beliefs about the incidence of voter fraud inform how people view the trade-off between electoral integrity and voter accessibility. To better inform such beliefs about the rate of double voting, we develop and apply a method to estimate how many people voted twice in the 2012 presidential election. We estimate that about one in 4,000 voters cast two ballots, although an audit suggests that the true rate may be lower due to small errors in electronic vote records. We corroborate our estimates and extend our analysis using data from a subset of states that share social security numbers, making it easier to quantify who may have voted twice. For this subset of states, we find that one suggested strategy to reduce double voting—removing the registration with an earlier registration date when two share the same name and birthdate—could impede approximately 300 legitimate votes for each double vote prevented.
题目:Who Votes More Strategically?
作者:Andrew C. Eggers,牛津大学纳菲尔德学院政治与国际关系系教授;Nick Vivyan,杜伦大学政府与国际事务系教授。
Strategic voting is an important explanation for aggregate political phenomena, but we know little about how strategic voting varies across types of voters. Are richer voters more strategic than poorer voters? Does strategic behavior vary with age, education, gender, or political leaning? The answers may be important for assessing how well an electoral system represents different preferences in society. We introduce a new approach to measuring and comparing strategic voting across voters that can be broadly applied, given appropriate survey data. In recent British elections, we find that older voters vote more strategically than younger voters and that richer voters vote more strategically than poorer voters, even as strategic behavior varies little across the education level. The differences in strategic voting by age and income are smaller than observed differences in turnout by age and income, but they tend to exacerbate these better-known inequalities in political participation.
题目:Social Network Structures and the Politics of Public Goods Provision: Evidence from the Philippines
作者:Cesi Cruz,英属哥伦比亚大学温哥华(Vancouver)经济学院和政治学系助理教授;Julien Labonne,牛津大学布拉瓦尼克(Blavatnik)政府学院副教授;Pablo Querub´ın,纽约大学威尔夫家族(Wilf Family)政治学系副教授
We study the relationship between social structure and political incentives for public goods provision. We argue that when politicians—rather than communities—are responsible for the provision of public goods, social fractionalization may decrease the risk of elite capture and lead to increased public goods provision and electoral competition. We test this using large-scale data on family networks from over 20 million individuals in 15,000 villages of the Philippines. We take advantage of naming conventions to assess intermarriage links between families and use community detection algorithms to identify the relevant clans in those villages. We show that there is more public goods provision and political competition in villages with more fragmented social networks, a result that is robust to controlling for a large number of village characteristics and to alternative estimation techniques.
题目:Origins of Early Democracy
作者:Ali T. Ahmed,纽约大学政治系博士候选人;David Stasavage,纽约大学政治系教授
The idea that rulers must seek consent before making policy is key to democracy. We suggest that this practice evolved independently in a large fraction of human societies where executives ruled jointly with councils. We argue that council governance was more likely to emerge when information asymmetries made it harder for rulers to extract revenue, and we illustrate this with a theoretical model. Giving the population a role in governance became one means of overcoming the information problem. We test this hypothesis by examining the correlation between localized variation in agricultural suitability and the presence of council governance in the Standard Cross Cultural Sample. As a further step, we suggest that executives facing substantial information asymmetries could also have an alternative route for resource extraction—develop a bureaucracy to measure variation in productivity. Further empirical results suggest that rule by bureaucracy could substitute for shared rule with a council.
题目:From Islamists to Muslim Democrats: The Case of Tunisia’s Ennahda
作者:Sharan Grewal,威廉玛丽学院政府系助理教授
What drives some Islamists to become “Muslim Democrats,” downplaying religion and accepting secular democracy? This article hypothesizes that one channel of ideological change is migration to secular democracies. Drawing on an ideal point analysis of parliamentary votes from the Tunisian Islamist movement Ennahda, I find that MPs who had lived in secular democracies held more liberal voting records than their counterparts who had lived only in Tunisia. In particular, they were more likely to defend freedom of conscience and to vote against enshrining Islamic law in the constitution. Interviews with several of these MPs demonstrate that they recognize a causal effect of their experiences abroad on their ideologies, and provide support for three distinct mechanisms by which this effect may have occurred: socialization, intergroup contact, and political learning.
题目:Relational State Building in Areas of Limited Statehood: Experimental Evidence on the Attitudes of the Police
作者:Sabrina Karim, 康奈尔大学政府学系助理教授
Under what conditions does state expansion into limited statehood areas improve perceptions of state authority? Although previous work emphasizes identity or institutional sources of state legitimacy, I argue that relationships between state agents and citizens drive positive attitude formation, because these relationships provide information and facilitate social bonds. Moreover, when state agents and citizens share demographic characteristics, perceptional effects may improve. Finally, citizens finding procedural interactions between state agents and citizens unfair may adopt negative views about the state. I test these three propositions by randomizing household visits by male or female police officers in rural Liberia. These visits facilitated relationship building, leading to improved perceptions of police; shared demographic characteristics between police and citizens did not strengthen this effect. Perceptions of unfairness in the randomization led to negative opinions about police. The results imply that relationship building between state agents and citizens is an important part of state building.
题目:Killing in the Slums: Social Order, Criminal Governance, and Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro
作者:Beatriz Magaloni,斯坦福大学政治学系教授;Edgar Franco-Vivanco,密歇根大学博士后研究员;Vanessa Melo,加州大学洛杉矶分校人类学系研究生。
State interventions against organized criminal groups (OCGs) sometimes work to improve security, but often exacerbate violence. To understand why, this article offers a theory about criminal governance in five types of criminal regimes—Insurgent, Bandit, Symbiotic, Predatory, and Split. These differ according to whether criminal groups confront or collude with state actors, abuse or cooperate with the community, and hold a monopoly or contest territory with rival OCGs. Police interventions in these criminal regimes pose different challenges and are associated with markedly different local security outcomes. We provide evidence of this theory by using a multimethod research design combining quasi-experimental statistical analyses, automated text analysis, extensive qualitative research, and a large-N survey in the context of Rio de Janeiro’s “Pacifying Police Units” (UPPs), which sought to reclaim control of the favelas from criminal organizations.
题目:Legacies of the Third Reich: Concentration Camps and Out-group Intolerance
作者:Jonathan Homola,莱斯大学政治学系助理教授;Miguel M. Pereira,圣路易斯华盛顿大学博士候选人;Margit Tavits,圣路易斯华盛顿大学教授
We explore the long-term political consequences of the Third Reich and show that current political intolerance, xenophobia, and voting for radical right-wing parties are associated with proximity to former Nazi concentration camps in Germany. This relationship is not explained by contemporary attitudes, the location of the camps, geographic sorting, the economic impact of the camps, or their current use. We argue that cognitive dissonance led those more directly exposed to Nazi institutions to conform with the belief system of the regime. These attitudes were then transmitted across generations. The evidence provided here contributes both to our understanding of the legacies of historical institutions and the sources of political intolerance.