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  Newlywed Elizabeth (Abbey Lee) arrives with her brilliant scientist husband Henry (Ciarán Hinds) to his magnificent estate, where he wows her with lavish dinners and a dazzling tour of the property. The house staff Claire (Carla Gugino) and Oliver (Matthew Beard) treat her deferentially but she can't shake the feeling something is off. Henry explains that everything in his world now belongs to her, all is for her to play in - all except for a locked-off room he forbids her from entering. When he goes away for business, Elizabeth decides to investigate.

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  Barry Crimmins is pissed. His hellfire brand of comedy has rained verbal lightning bolts on American audiences and politicians for decades, yet you've probably never heard of him. But once you've experienced Bobcat Goldthwait's brilliant character portrait of him and heard Crimmins's secret, you will never forget him. From his unmistakable bullish frame came a scathingly ribald stand-up style that took early audiences by force. Through stark, smart observation and judo-like turns of phrase, Crimmins's rapid-fire comedy was a war on ignorance and complacency in '80s America at the height of an ill-considered foreign policy.

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  尚格·云顿将主演动作惊悚新片《保镖》(The Bouncer),朱利安·勒克莱克(《抢劫犯》《突击》)执导,制片成本1000万,风格类似《飓风营救》。云顿将饰演Lukas,一个50多岁的夜店保镖,艰难抚养8岁的女儿。某天他在和客户的争吵中失控,被关进监狱,女儿由社会服务人员照看。情形突变,国际刑警招募他来干掉某个荷兰犯罪头目,以此换取女儿的监护权。Jérémie Guez(《伊夫圣罗兰传》)操刀剧本,明年一月开拍。

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  Jack Collins (Milo Gibson) is a war-junkie and former Navy SEAL turned bounty hunter who tracks down terrorists as part of the CIA's outsourcing to private companies. Battling personal demons, the powers that be think he is becoming a liability so his CIA handler Leigh (Sylvia Hoeks) offers him one last chance to keep fighting, sending him to London for a job. There, he finds himself part of a three-man team tasked with hunting down a disavowed CIA Operative called McKnight (Elliot Cowan) before he procures a WMD from Russian gangsters and disappears. Together, Collins, Brennan (William Fichtner) and Samuelson (Gbenga Akinnagbe) find themselves locked in urban tactical combat with a former colleague, Deighton (Joseph Millson), and his private army, hired by McKnight as protection. Both sides fight smart and as casualties and betrayal mounts on both sides, Collins refuses to be defeated as he battles his way to an explosive climax.

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  原乃木坂46深川麻衣的初部电影,并担任主演,同三代目 J Soul Brothers山下健二郎演绎一场"焦急又心动"的爱情故事。

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  皮耶(皮埃尔·里夏尔 Pierre Richard 饰)的妻子去世了,年迈的他生活在悲伤和孤独之中。女儿不忍心看见父亲终日郁郁寡欢的样子,于是帮他买了一台电脑,希望父亲能够在浩渺的网络世界里找到新的乐趣,说不定还能收获一段夕阳情缘。因为皮耶对电脑一窍不通,所以他找到了艾利克斯(亚尼斯·莱斯珀特 Yaniss Lespert 饰)当自己的电脑老师。

  在一个交友网站上,皮耶结识了名为Flora63 (芳妮·瓦莱特 Fanny Valette 饰)


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  Smith Global影业买下3QU动画电影[花园精灵](Gnome Alone,暂译)发行权。[花园精灵]讲述了一位名叫克洛伊的高中女生,在花园里装饰物们的陪伴下,融入学校生活的故事。影片将于近期上映。

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