乌兹别克斯坦画家 亚历山大·马拉诺夫 Alexandr Maranov艺术绘画作品
Alexandr Maranov
闪 亮 的 美 感
Alexandr Maranov她的艺术作品中光感非常的强烈,并且带有流动的光影和满溢的色彩,他画中的人物好像自身就发着光,具有非常唯美的光影效果。
绘画语言是Alexandr Maranov 个人情感和精神的唯一载体,他把所有的情感和社会的感悟通过艺术作品完美的表现出来,也同是带给世人视觉的享受和体验
Alexandr Maranov的笔下尽是流光交汇而成的少女透明、纯净、闪耀着迷人的光芒。她的画构图十分巧妙多种光彩像一个个跳动的音符自由的律动着。
Uzbekistan is a country with a very long history, culture and artistic atmosphere. Art has appeared in its embryonic form long ago, and with the progress and development of society, it is constantly improving, and it also breeds a large wave of great artists.
Uzbek artist Alexandr maranov is known as 'an artist of a new century and a new generation'. His works of art and painting attainments are highly appraised by the world. He has also left many great works of art for the world, bringing people a feast of artistic vision.
Alexandr maranov's works always inspire viewers with psychedelic, transparent, aestheticism, emotion and soul. He is a work of art, which is a complex work of art full of memory and dream.
Alexandr maranov's works of art have a strong sense of light with flowing light and shadow and overflowing color. The characters in his paintings seem to emit light themselves, which has a very beautiful light and shadow effect.