荷兰画家亚伯拉罕·范·卡拉埃特 (Abraham van Calraet,1642-1722年)

荷兰画家亚伯拉罕·范·卡拉埃特 (Abraham van Calraet,1642-1722年)荷兰画家亚伯拉罕·范·卡拉埃特(Abraham van Calraet,1642-1722年)图片来源于:互联网

Cavalry battle1722

Dordrecht with the Apple Market and the Oude Havenbefore 1694

Landscape with horseman

Still Life with Fruitn.d.

Still life with peaches

Cattle on a River Bank

Halt at an Inn

Two Horsemen at a Tavern

A Brown and White Skewbald Horse with a Saddle beside it

Scene on the Ice outside Dordrecht

Horsemen watering their horses

Groom with three horses and two dogs

The Interior of a Stable

A Boy holding a Grey Horse

