


In the survey of Chinese consumers in 2020, more than 40% of the respondents said they would like to buy and recommend food close to the shelf life to people around them.


Some people praise that this is rational consumption, but also put an end to waste,but others worry that eating foods nearing it's expiration date for a long time will be  harmful to health.



It refers to the food that is about to reach it's sell-by date, but still within that date.




Experts say the expiration date is not the time when food goes bad. The concept of "expiration date" is that "during the expiration date, the merchant guarantees the flavor and taste of the food as described".


Approaching the expiration date does not mean that the food is not edible or safe, if willing to buy, do not have to have psychological barriers when eating.


例如丹麦的剩食超市WeFood、德国超市The Good Food,都是专门打折出售各种临期食品的专卖店,同时也不乏各种能吃但是品相没那么好的蔬菜、水果等生鲜食物。

For example, WeFood, a leftover supermarket in Denmark, and The Good Food, a supermarket in Germany, are specialized in selling all kinds of foods approaching the shelf life at a discount. At the same time, there are also many kinds of fresh foods such as vegetables and fruits that can be eaten but do not look so good.

In general, the shelf life of food is shorter than the real time of deterioration. As long as the storage method is correct, there is basically no safety risk in the shelf life, and the state and flavor of food are normal, it can be eaten.


The food is still within the shelf life can be assured to buy and eat; buy the food should be purchased according to the need, do not hoard, so as not to expire deterioration caused by waste; it's best to eat up the food you buy in the shelf life.

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