

1963 出生辽宁

2007 毕业于法国巴黎第八大学造型艺术专业,获硕士学位



Zhang Yuxin

1963 Born in Liaoning

2007 Graduated from the University of Paris viii in France with a master's degree in plastic arts

She has studied in the Chinese Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Comprehensive Materials Painting Department of the Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, and the Aesthetics and Art Department of Northern University in the United States. Her works have held individual exhibitions and group exhibitions in The Louvre, The Grand Palais, the Oriental Gallery, the Paris Cultural Center, the European Artists Gallery, the German Royal Gallery, the Embassy of Russia, France, Singapore and the Shenzhen Art Museum.

Currently lives in Shenzhen, member of China Artists Association, national first-class artist, director of Shenzhen Artists Association, deputy director of Comprehensive Materials Art Committee of Shenzhen Artists Association, member of Shenzhen Bao'an District Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of Shenzhen Bao'an District Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Shenzhen Bao'an District Women Artists Association, Vice Chairman of French Contemporary Artists Association, The former director of the creative department of Shenzhen Baoan Art Academy, the first-level artist of Baoan Public Cultural Service Center.

万水千山  综合材料  2017

Long and arduous journey

Mixed media


高秋  综合材料  2017

Gao Qiu

Mixed media



Freehand brushwork·Created by the heart

When I was studying in the Academy of Fine Arts, Chinese traditional art combined with Western art, and there was a complete system. My understanding was that experiencing life and going to the countryside to sketch was the most fashionable and common realistic creation way in the art world at that time. At that time, I also went to the countryside many times to draw and sketch with my teachers and classmates to collect materials for future creations. However, due to the influence of the overall creative environment of the society, my paintings are basically realistic and figurative, and there are few individual language signs. Since I was a child, I like calligraphy and freehand painting, It was as bold and unconstrained as cursive, and the brushwork was always stirring in my blood. I always thought about how to give full play to my writing and really move my pen with my heart. However, due to my limited knowledge at that time, I struggled to find my own language for many years.

白云深处  综合材料  2020

Amongst White Clouds

Mixed media


新雨后  综合材料  2021

After rain

Mixed media


After that, I went to study at the French Academy of Art, and then went to many European museums for inspection and exchanges. More than ten years of overseas study opened my horizons and made a qualitative change in understanding what is artistic creation. Artists must have the spirit of innovation. Realism is not equal to literalism. Realism can also be used to express abstract ideas. Therefore, Chinese freehand painting has abstract language. Our ancestors can also express everything in nature with pen and ink. After returning to China from Europe, I have become more and more determined. In artistic creation, the exploration of the combination of Chinese traditional culture and western culture is not limited to the shackles of form; In the material is not limited to rice paper and ink; The language symbol is not limited to a certain painting method of Cun, rubbing, point or dye. I think that freehand brushwork and created by the heart are the spiritual driving force that guides my creation. The top artists in ancient and modern China and abroad are all freehand brushes. The meaning in Chinese painting theory is Intended to write first, both shape and spirit, It fully reflects that excellent works of art are freehand brushwork and created by the heart.

日新月异  综合材料  2021

Progress with each passing day

Mixed media


高山流水  综合材料  2021

High Mountain and Flowing water

Mixed media


Through studying abroad, I found that art is diversified. If the works created are the same as industrial manufactures, they will run counter to people's pursuit of beauty. Therefore, every artist must be creative and look for own artistic language. In recent years, under the guidance of the spirit of freehand brushwork, I have done some explorations of works composed of ink and comprehensive materials. In fact, creating these works is not an experiment in pursuit of comprehensive materials, but I want to give the work more ideological connotation, better lyrical expression through comprehensive materials. If you don’t work hard on the conceptual spirit and ideological connotation, and only play tricks on the materials, such art will have no future.

驼铃声  综合材料  2019

The sound of camel ring

Mixed media


源泉  综合材料  2021


Mixed media


文 \ 张玉馨于2021年8月深圳
The several works I published in this album have traces of exploration at different stages in terms of expressive techniques. Some are more decorative, some are abstract, and some are expressed more with traditional pen and ink, and some use comprehensive materials, but for me, it's all the same. All of my language symbols are trying to serve the content. Painting is the heart seal, freehand brushwork and created by the heart.
Text / Zhang Yuxin
in August 2021, Shenzhen


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