【火腿DIY】二年从DIY到量产 | Chris 讲述mcHF QRP 收发信机研发的心路历程


mcHF QRP transceiver

mcHF QRP 收发信机 | 研发者Chris 讲述产品研发心路历程

The mcHF QRP transceiver. It is a small, home-brewed amateur radio project. Firmware is released as open source and most project files are released as well, with the only restriction of not commercial use (manufacturing and sales of kits or complete product).Looking at the block diagram (Fig1) it should be clear that my design goal was to make it as cheap as possible – without sacrificing functionality – and include the ability to add new features via simple software update.

mcHF QRP收发器。这是一款小巧自制的业余无线电项目。固件和大部分项目文件作为开源文件已经发布,唯一的限制是不能用于商业用途(包括制作和销售套件或整机)。看着框图(图一)你应该清楚我的设计目标是使它尽可能的便宜且不牺牲产品功能,产品具有可以通过简单的软件更新添加新功能的能力。


  • Standalone and compact embedded transceiver


  • Continues RX coverage 2-30 Mhz

    发射连续覆盖2 - 30 Mhz

  • 5W output power

    5 w输出功率

  • CW, SSB, AM and FM – transmit and receiver

    连续波、单边带、AM和FM -传输和接收

  • 300/500 Hz CW and 1.8/2.3 kHz SSB filters with adjustable passband centering

    300/500 Hz CW和1.8/2.3赫兹的单边带滤波器,可调滤波通带中心

  • 3.6 kHz “wide” filter plus 5, 6, 7.5 or 10 kHz “extra wide” filters for SSB/AM reception

    3.6 kHz“宽”滤波+ 5,6,7.5或10 kHz的“额外宽”过滤器单边带/AM接收

  • SSB/AM Transmit Speech processor

    单边带/ AM传输语音处理器

  • DSP noise reduction


  • DSP automatic notch filter


  • Spectrum scope


  • Waterfall Display


  • Highly configurable with a wide variety of menu items


mcHF Kit套件

It took some two years to the moment i can offer the mcHF in kit form. It consists of two boards with populated SMD parts and extra components supplied in plastic bags. The kit does not include speaker, final MOSFETs and enclosure.


It is worth pointing out that the kit requires some advanced soldering skills and knowledge in electronics as mods might be required. Also extensive tuning and calibration might be needed, or sometimes debugging of problems. It is not recommended as first kit or if you expect to be on the air after few M3 bolts tightening.




My name is Chris and my amateur radio callsign is M0NKA. I dedicate this website to my homebrew mcHF project.


The original idea was born few years ago when I got really interested in the 70Mhz band and found out that I had to homebrew something as commercial gear at that time was not available. My choice was Softrock Ensemble and OZ2M transverter. The extra part was a bulky and power hungry PC. So I decided to replace it with an ARM microcontroller. This is how the TRX4M project was born and I have been on the air with it ever since.

最初的想法的诞生是在几年前当我真正感兴趣的70 Mhz波段,我发现当时当时的商用设备都没法使用时,我就不得不开始了我的自制DIY之旅。我的选择是Softrock Ensemble 和OZ2M变换器。额外的零件是笨重的耗电的PC。所以我决定把它换成一个ARM微控制器。这就是TRX4M项目的诞生,从此该项目就一直伴随着我的通联。

Last year I decided to remove all extra complexities from TRX4M and produce a design for a very cheap, affordable and functional QRP radio. This is the mcHF.


My major inspiration was the Softrock and the SDRCube projects. Without those I wouldn’t have had an idea where to even start. I also love the KX3 form factor and the ICOM IC-7600 user interface, you can see some design ideas from both have inspired the mcHF look. My gratitude also to Eric Brombaugh for sharing his I2S driver source as it gave me the push to pursue this project on the STM32F4.

我的主要灵感来自Softrock和SDRCube项目。没有这些,我不会有自己动手造电台的想法。我也喜欢 ICOM IC-7600的用户界面,KX3架构因素,你可以看到mcHF的一些设计灵感来自上述两款设备。我也感激Eric Brombaugh分享他的i2驱动源,因为它促使了我努力追求STM32F4这个项目。

Also special thanks for continuous help and encouragement from Brian (G0MJI) – the first ever mcHF Beta tester. And my good, old school, buddy – Nikolai (LZ2SEX) with his valuable analogue electronics experience and ideas.

