导语 Janice Sigrist老师是一妍的老师,也是忘年交。她在上海从事国际教育21年。今年7月回到美国定居。一妍邀请她每周给第1整理术读者分享一个小故事,希望可以把她阳光、积极、温暖的生活态度,传递给每一位听者。她的第12个故事是关于搬家。在这个故事里,Janice找到了自己的新家。一起听听吧!
文丨Janice Sigrist
2)希望接受更多沉浸式英语教学体验的成年人和小朋友。3)对美式生活感兴趣,希望更多了解更多美式文化的朋友。1 转发一个Janice的故事到朋友圈。写上你的推荐语。2 准备一段你听Janice讲故事的心得(英文),以及提供一段你的个人介绍(英文),发送给小助手“苹果老师”微信号(ID:msapple004)。加好友暗号:Janice。3 满足以上两个小伙伴,默认就是Janice的粉丝啦,获得入群机会。群讨论主题:聆听Janice小故事的心得,建议,以及其他希望Janice讲故事的话题方向。拒绝其他话题闲聊。建议尽可能使用英文交流。Moving 590 miles, or 950 kilometers, was quite an adventure. I moved with over 100 boxes of mainly items from my parents home that had been in storage for a over 10 years, mixed in with my boxes from over 20 years ago, and furniture. I had two beds, beautiful dressers for two bedrooms, couches, chairs, tables, a buffet, a china cabinet and more. It required a 26 foot long UHaul trailer, and although it was not full, it sure was well packed and organized. I will move more items down over Christmas, weather permitting!My two brothers helped pack and make sure everything was in order. It is quite a talent to load a big truck for moving, and they are both quite talented! My nephew, Michael, and his friend, Riley, helped load the UHaul in Boise, and a group of 3 people from Rawlins helped unload it, with my big brother directing and giving them the boxes. My brother Charlie drove the UHaul over the beautiful mountains to Rawlins, and I rode with my sister-in-law, Connie. The trip down took us around 10 hours.My welcoming committee consisted of several deer, who all come over the mountains and find food in the community. One of my neighbors, a 10-year old, told me that they have named all of the deer who live in our neighborhood!When I prepared the boxes for moving, I wrote the room that they went to on each box, so that they were all delivered easily to the right spot. I have 8 major rooms, three bathrooms, and a two-car garage. Loading for the move took us a full day to accomplish; unpacking the UHaul took us just under two hours.My brother Charlie and his wife, Connie, had helped me prepare the house in Rawlins prior to my move. Charlie painted all of the rooms, cleaned, and did small repairs. They put in new lighting for me, and made the house beautiful. My big brother is an Engineer and has been a contractor for the past 20 years. We do not need to worry about paint and glue being toxic in the US, so it only sat for a few days before Imoved in, with no smell at all. It was just perfect!My friend, Tina, drove over from Illinois, which is a 14 hour drive, and she has been helping me unpack for the past two weeks. It has been so much fun having her help, and I am forever grateful for her logical skills, organizational skills, easy-going personality, and friendship. We have laughed and had lots of fun, and we unpacked the last box yesterday!!! We even took time to explore the area and have some fun shopping adventures. Hooray!For the next several months I will reorganize, and move items around. I still have lots of work to do, and will have a shipment of furniture arrive sometime in the spring from China that will complete my home.This is a huge new adventure, and I am so thankful for all of the help I have had along the way. This new chapter in my life is going to be lots of fun, and I look forward to sharing all of my adventures with you. Wishing you all a wonderful week!!!! Bye-bye!本专栏音频同步更新至喜马拉雅APP。使用喜马拉雅APP聆听的用户,每一个故事可以重复播放。