
英语学习千千万,词意语法不可少!    作者:超越自我                          (阅读本篇文章大约需5分钟) 今天笔者就向大家介绍高中英语学习中的一些小技巧。


1. Wang Peng earned his living by running a barbecue(n烤架,户外烧烤) restaurant,which served delicious bacon(n培根),fried chicken breast and mutton (n羊肉)roasted with pepper(n胡椒粉) and garlic(n大蒜).But his food and discount attracted fewer and fewer customers. Finally,he was in debt. (笔者第一次读得时候是一脸懵逼,但之后仔细思考反而觉得单词不认识很正常,也没必要熟悉非关键词,结合上下文,大意应该是某人靠开某餐馆为生,提供N多种菜但是生意不好,最终破产了。)

2. Mk2,a planet billions of kilometers away ,is the origin of life in many religions . Physicists have proved the theory that its gentle climate and the pull (n引力)of its gravity are similar to the earth's. And astronomers(n天文学家) have found that oxygen atons and carbon dioxide ,which are fundamental to life,exist in its atmosphere through satellites. (文中结合上下文猜出pull的名词意义,类比astronaut宇航员猜测astronomer与太空宇宙有关)

3.Chaplin was an extraordinary performer who started (v主演)in and directed many outstanding comedies.(旧词新意需特别记忆)

4. Without disagreement they subscribe to (不仅有订阅,捐赠之意,还可以表示同意的意思)the view that it is human's existence and their randomly consuming energy that result in this phenomenon.

二、拓宽词汇量,归类来帮忙!                不少同学肯定已经意识到单词的重要性,急切想要提高自己的词汇量,但是奈何单词又多又杂,背过后还容易忘,在这里笔者就想向大家介绍自己的记忆方法,仅供参考。


2. 同类型词assume,assumption,consume,consumption;describe,subscribe,prescribe…   以ance结尾的名词 :annoyance attendance allowance ignorance insurance endurance toletance abundance…

同含义词:美味的tasty delicious yummy

表示天气的:sunny windy rainy snowy foggy

表示作者态度的:objective neutral impartial detached unbiased supportive…

3.联想迁移:以 f结尾的名词变复数直接加s的gulf woof cliff chief serf belief proof handkerchief


out of question没问题 out of the question 不可能(没the没问题)…                      以上仅为部分示例,感兴趣的同学可以自己尝试。




