
In this volume, Sadhguru opens up a whole new perspective on 'Why suffering?', a question which has concerned humanity from the beginning of time. In the quest to tackle this problem, man has developed many theories, concepts and dogmata, but still, suffering is omnipresent in this world.


Abrogating the erroneous belief that it is inevitable, Sadhguru delivers insights on the very origin of suffering and discloses ways beyond.


Questioner: Dear Sadhguru, how can I actually know life around me?


Sadhguru: A thought cannot know life. An emotion cannot know life. An ego cannot know life. Only life can know life. If you stop being a bundle of thoughts, opinions and emotions, and just exist here as life - just throbbing pulsating life - knowing life is just natural. So what we are referring to as enlightenment is just this - instead of being a thought, instead of being an emotion, instead of being an ego, you just become life, simply life. In a way, it is the most basic thing. Enlightenment is not the ultimate thing. Yes it is in one way. In another way, it is the most basic thing because first of all you're life, then everything else, isn't it? Only because you're alive, you're capable of thoughts. Only because you're alive, you're capable of emotions. Only because you're alive, you're capable of ego. So the most basic thing is life. It is like becoming very basic, just pure life, nothing else. All other things are there, but you're never identified with them. Experientially, intellectually, knowing I am not this, I am not that, doesn't liberate a person. Something much deeper is needed. Right now, the center of your existence is your identities or your identifications.


All identities are taken on; they are a 'put-on'. So the very center of your existence is something you put on, and is not based in reality. So when you are not in reality, the question of experiencing life as it is doesn't arise.


Now, you said you want to know life just the way it is, and the flowers, and the moon, and the clouds. It is cloudy today so there is no possibility of knowing the moon. But anyway if you just become life, there are no clouds, there is no moon, there are no flowers; there is simply pulsating life. Just as you are, everything is. Flowers, clouds, mountains, moon exist because you have become something other than life. If you become just life, none of those things exist -only life exists, just this pulsating mass of energy.


You can call it Creation, you can call it the Creator, or you can call it myself, it's the same thing. It doesn't matter what you call it, it is just life. Some of it is manifested; most of it is un-manifested, but still it is life. I call everything 'life', because all of it is in some kind of movement; all of it is some kind of possibility. Every atom in the existence is a possibility. So it is life. What you call as life is just a possibility. What you make out of it is all that it is, isn't it?


Questioner: Since I have come here, one day I am in love, another day I am sad, one day I am friendly, and another day I am a barking dog. These moods happened before, but here I have realized that these emotions are happening without any reason.


Sadhguru: It's monsoon time, you know? At anytime clouds will gather, it'll rain, and there will be sunshine. All these days you thought your emotions, your thoughts, your problems had something to do with somebody. It's good. You're beginning to realize it's nothing to do with anybody; it's just your own madness. A lot of people take a whole lifetime to realize this. They may be seventy years of age, and they still think their emotions and their thoughts have something to do with somebody else. They don't understand that the seat of their experience is within them. The seat of your experience is within you, isn't it?


If you're beginning to realize that the madness is yours, that nobody has anything to do with it, then I think you should look for a solution. The solution is that we have to just dissolve you; there's really no other solution. I've been telling you repeatedly that there is only one problem in the world, and that's you. If you dissolve this one problem, there is really no other problem in the world. So for dissolving you, sulfuric acid won't do.


You need something more powerful than that. That's what we have loaded this place with.


Here if you have a little sense, just a little bit, if your door opens a little bit, even a millimeter, this will seep into you and dissolve you. If you're tightly shut, then it'll bother you. It will make you do insane things, because that's the nature of the energy. It won't let you be where you are. It just keeps putting you on fast forward.


The very purpose of creating a space like this is to put your life on fast forward. What most people realize at seventy, I want you to realize when you're eighteen. If you're already past that, at least now, it's time you realized that the seat of your experience is within you, and not in somebody else. Your thoughts, your emotions, your nonsense has nothing to do with anybody but you.


If you just understand this, you'll know that you are the problem. At least, once you know what the problem is, the solution becomes easy. When you don't know what the problem is, there is no solution for you, isn't it? When you do not know what the problem is, where is the question of finding a solution? You just suffer the problem. At least now you know what the problem is, then the solution is not too far away.




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