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Does Listening to Music during Tonsillectomy Affect Sevoflurane Consumption?


方法:将50例患者随机分为手术期间播放音乐组(M组)和没有播放音乐的对照组(C组)。两组麻醉深度均控制在50±5左右。记录患者围术期人口学特征和血流动力学参数。并记录手术期间七氟醚使用量,睁眼时间和拔管时间。p <0.05认为有显著统计学差异。

结果:术中M组的手术体积描记指数明显低于C组。根据Wong-Baker面部疼痛评分量表,在麻醉后监测病房中,音乐组儿童的疼痛较对照组减轻(P =0.035)。音乐组患者的心率在术中30分钟时和手术结束时明显低于对照组(p = 0.015)。M组七氟醚的使用量低于组C,但差异无统计学意义。M组额外需要的芬太尼明显低于C组。


Doan Bak E. Ulu . Yüksek A. Arcan H. Svac R.
Does Listening to Music during Tonsillectomy Affect Sevoflurane Consumption?
Med Princ Pract. Mar 12,2018. doi: 10.1159/000488319. [Epub ahead of print]

BACKGROUND:The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of listening to music on the consumption of an anesthetic agent as well as postoperative recovery and pain in children undergoing elective tonsillectomy.
METHODS:Fifty patients were randomized into those to whom music was played during surgery (Group M) and a control group to whom music was not played (Group C). The depth of anesthesia was provided by entropy levels of 50 ± 5 in both groups. Demographic characteristics and hemodynamic parameters were recorded perioperatively. The duration of surgery sevoflurane consumption, eye opening time,and extubation time were also recorded. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
RESULTS:Surgical pleth index values measured intraoperatively were statistically lower in Group M than in Group C. In the post-anesthesia care unit children in the music group felt less pain than those in the control group according to Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (p = 0.035). The heart rates of the patients in the music group were statistically lower at 30 minutes intraoperatively and at the end of the procedure compared to the values of the control group (p = 0.015). Consumption of sevoflurane was lower in Group M than in Group C but the difference was not statistically significant. The need for additional fentanyl was significantly lower in Group M than in Group C.
CONCLUSIONS:In this study, the children exposed to music intraoperatively needed less analgesia during surgery, and reported less pain postoperatively, but there was no difference in sevoflurane requirements.
