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Impact of Regional Anesthesia on Recurrence, Metastasis, and Immune Response in Breast Cancer Surgery



方  法


结  果


结  论

相关生存。然而,使用PVB可以降低炎症反应和免疫反应,从而全麻药物和阿片类药物的用量。 我们的研究表明,没有证据证明PVB是否可以降低癌症复发或改善癌症


Oscar Pérez-González, Luis F. Cuéllar-Guzmán,et al, Impact of Regional Anesthesia on Recurrence, Metastasis, and Immune Response in Breast Cancer Surgery,Reg Anesth Pain Med 2017,42: 00–00


Background and Objectives: The perioperative period is critical in the long-term prognosis of breast cancer patients. The use of regional anes- thesia, such as paravertebral block (PVB), could be associated with improvements in long-term survival after breast cancer surgery by modulating the inflammatory and immune response associated with the surgical trauma, reducing opioid and general anesthetic consumption, and promoting cancer cells death by a direct effect of local anesthetics.

Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted for studies of patients who received PVB for breast cancer surgery. The Jadad score and Ottawa-Newcastle scale were used to assess the methodological quality of randomized controlled trial and observational retrospective studies, re- spectively. Only high-quality studies were considered for meta-analysis. The selected studies were divided into 3 groups to determine the impact of PVB on (a) recurrence and survival, (b) humoral response, and (c) cellular immune response.

Results: We identified 467 relevant studies; 121 of them underwent title and abstract review, 107 were excluded, and 15 studies were selected for full text reading and quality assessment. A meta-analysis was not conducted because of low-quality studies and lack of uniform definition among primary outcomes. Thus, a systematic review of the current evidence was performed.

Conclusions: Our study indicates that there are no data to support or refute the use of PVB for reduction of cancer recurrence or improvement in cancer-related survival. However, PVB use is associated with lower levels of inflammation and a better immune response in comparison with general anesthesia and opioid-based analgesia.




