

。紧急通知!以下人员请速回保定!否则来不及了……5保定各乡镇的年轻人们,不管你家是新市区 北市区 南市区 定州市 涿州市 安国市 高碑店市 满城县 清苑县 涞水县 阜平县 定兴县 唐县 徐水县 高阳县 涞源县 容城县 望都县 易县 曲阳县 安新县 蠡县 顺平县 博野县 雄县...... 不管 你人在、北京、上海、广州、深圳,还是在太原、杭州、福州、长沙、厦门、郑州、青岛、东莞、重庆、武汉、成都、兰州、哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、昆明、贵阳、海口、拉萨、乌鲁木齐…… 只要你是临汾农村人! 注意啦! 赶紧回家!立刻!马上!就现在!村里需要支援!!又到了一年一度收玉米的好时机/ 临汾老乡赶紧回来/ 现在生产队高薪急聘以下人员/ 掰玉米师傅/ 工作经验丰富/ 不怕晒不怕玉米叶子“割手” 自备工具者可优先考虑录用/ 背袋子师傅/ 要求男性/ 腰力要好/ 力气大壮如牛/ 家里经常干农活的优先录取/ 晒玉米师傅/ 不限男女/ 不怕晒/ 能将玉米晒得均匀/ 做过手工活和面点活的人士优先/ 割玉米杆师傅/ 手脚灵活/ 干活麻利不拖拉/ 两天试用期/ 不能完成工作者将不被录用/ 后勤人员/ 已婚女性优先/ 负责收割玉米前线人员的一日三餐/ 尤其是会变着花样做早餐最重要/ 工作环境/ 空气是甜的/ 天然的大氧吧/ 每天都能和花鸟相伴/ 出门就是大自然/ 福利待遇/ 以上职位一经录用,待遇从优/ 除了基本工资,五险一金/ 还包吃包住,饭菜营养均衡/ 每顿饭的食材均来自农户自家菜园/ 无污染无添加,没有化肥原生态/ 原滋原味的柴火饭,吃了一碗再来一碗/ 以上职位一经录用,待遇从优/ 非本地户口录用者可解决食宿问题/ 这两年/ 村里人都出去打工了,劳动力少/ 没有办法,只有高薪招聘/ 马上就要到啦,急招/ 本文纯属娱乐勿当真/ 不管你能不能回家/ 爸妈在家干农活真的不容易/ 别忘了都常打个电话给爸妈。
#Urgent notice! Please return to Shanxi as soon as possible! Or it's too late Young people in Shanxi's counties and districts, no matter your family is Jinzhong, Luliang, Changzhi, Yuncheng, Yangquan, Jincheng, Xinzhou, Datong Whether you are in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Taiyuan, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Changsha, Xiamen, Zhengzhou, Qingdao, Dongguan, Chongqing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Lanzhou, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Kunming, Guiyang, Haikou, Lhasa, Urumqi As long as you are from the countryside of Shanxi! Pay attention! Hurry home! Now! right off! Right now! The village needs support!! It's time to harvest corn once a year/ The villagers of Shanxi came back quickly/ At present, the production team urgently employs the following personnel with high salary/ Master of breaking corn/ Rich working experience/ Not afraid of the sun, not afraid of corn leaves 'cutting hands' Self provided tools are preferred/ Bag carrying master/ Men are required/ Good waist strength/ Strong as an ox/ Those who often do farm work at home are preferred/ Corn drying master/ It's not limited to men and women/ Not afraid of the sun/ It can sun the corn evenly/ Those who have done manual work and pastry work are preferred/ Corn Stalker/ Flexible hands and feet/ Quick work without delay/ Two day probation period/ Workers who cannot complete will not be hired/ Logistics personnel/ Married women first/ Three meals a day for front-line personnel in charge of corn harvesting/ In particular, the most important thing is to make breakfast in a different way/ Working environment/ The air is sweet/ Natural oxygen bar/ Every day can accompany with flowers and birds/ Going out is nature/ Welfare benefits/ Once the above positions are employed, the salary is favorable/ In addition to the basic salary, five insurances and one fund/ The food is nutritious and balanced/ The ingredients for each meal come from the farmer's own garden/ No pollution, no additive, no fertilizer original ecology/ The original flavor of firewood rice, eat a bowl and then a bowl/ Once the above positions are employed, the salary is favorable/ Non local registered permanent residence can solve the problem of accommodation/ These two years/ All the villagers have gone out to work, and there is little labor/ There is no way, only high salary recruitment/ It's coming. Hurry up/ This article is purely entertainment, don't take it seriously/ Whether you can go home or not/ It's not easy for parents to do farm work at home/ Don't forget to call your parents.。 ! # !
#大同# #长治# #晋城#