清明,兼具自然和人文两大内涵,既是中国传统二十四节气(the 24th traditional Chinese solar terms)之一,也是传统祭祖(ancestor worship)节日。

清明节,又称踏青节、行清节、三月节、祭祖节等,节期在仲春与暮春之交(The festival is at the turn of mid spring and late spring )。
《 清 明 》
这一时节,生气旺盛、阴气衰退,万物“吐故纳新”,大地呈现春和景明之象(the earth presents a scene of spring and scenery),正是郊外踏青春游和行清墓祭的好时节(it's a good season for having a spring outing and carrying out tomb sacrifice)。
我国传统的清明节大约始于周代,已有两千五百多年的历史(China's traditional Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years)。

清明节与寒食节本是两个节日(Tomb Sweeping Day and Cold Food Festival are two festivals),后由于清明节和寒食节日子相近,渐渐的,二者合二为一(Later,because of the day of Qingming festival and Hanshi Festival were close, they gradually merged into a single festival ),寒食成为清明的别称(Hanshi Festival became another name of Qingming Festival)。

踏青古时叫探春、寻春等,即为春日郊游(spring outing),一般指春日时到郊外散步游玩(go for a walk in the countryside in spring)。清明时节,春回大地,自然界到处呈现一派生机勃勃的景象,正是郊游的大好时光。

清明前后,春阳照临,春雨飞洒,种植树苗成活率高,长得快(the survival rate of planting trees is high and the trees grow fast),因此,清明节有植树的习俗(there is a custom of planting trees on Qingming Festival)。这一习俗据说源于戴柳插柳的风俗。

放风筝是清明时节人们所喜爱的活动之一(kite flying is one of the popular activities in Qingming Festival)。每逢清明节,人们不仅白天放风筝,夜间也放(during the Qingming Festival, people not only fly kites during the day, but also at night)。夜里的风筝会挂上一串串彩色的小灯笼,像是闪烁的星星,被称为“神灯”。

扫墓祭祖是清明节的重要习俗(tomb sweeping and ancestor worship is an important custom of Qingming Festival),一般由两部分组成:一是整修坟墓(renovate the grave);二是挂烧纸钱、供奉祭品(hanging and burning the paper money,offering sacrifice)。
这种行为一方面可以表达祭祀者对先人的孝敬和关怀(on the one hand ,it can express the worshiper's filial piety and care for their ancestors),另一方面祖先的坟墓与子孙后代的兴衰祸福有莫大的关系(on the other hand, the ancestors' tombs have a great relationship with the rise and fall of future generations),培墓是不可忽视的一项祭奠内容(and the cultivation of tombs is a memorial content that can't be ignored)。
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