20180715 长难句




Even for the process to be considered carbon neutral on long time scales, Schlesinger noted, forest managers would have to be certain that replacement trees were given enough time to store the same amount of carbon that their predecessors contained when they were harvested. Especially if older, more carbon-rich forests are cleared to make room for faster-growing, easier-to-harvest trees, then even more carbon must be stored away to make up the difference.


Schlesinger also pointed out that much of the wood raised and harvested in the United States for energy purposes is actually shipped to the European Union, where biomass is currently treated as a carbon-neutral energy source. Processing the biomass for energy use (converting trees into wood pellets, for instance) and shipping it overseas only adds to the total emissions produced by the industry, he noted.


point out …指出

raise v. 抚养;培植
harvest v. 收获,收割
ship v. 船运
be treated as … 被视作为……
pellet n. 团粒;丸
note v. 指出


Schlesinger also pointed out that much of the wood raised and harvested in the United States for energy purposes is actually shipped to the European Union, where biomass is currently treated as a carbon-neutral energy source.
1.本句主干为“主谓宾从”结构,即:Schlesinger also pointed out that …
2. that 从句主干为被动句,即:much of the wood … is shipped to the European Union.
3. where 引导定语从句,修饰限定the European Union, 该定语从句较长,可译为单独的一个句子。
Processing the biomass for energy use (converting trees into wood pellets, for instance) and shipping it overseas only adds to the total emissions produced by the industry, he noted.
1. 该句主干为“主谓宾”结构,即:processing the biomass … and shipping it overseas/ only adds to / the total emissions
2. 修饰成分包括:for energy use 修饰 processing the biomass; (converting trees into wood pellets, for instance)是以举例的方式说明processing the biomass for energy use; produced by the industry 为the total emissions的后置定语。


According to Law, a more climate-friendly approach would be to simply preserve or add to existing forests without harvesting them—a process that would enhance the nation’s natural carbon sinks—and focus instead on truly carbon-neutral sources of energy, like wind and solar.


20180714 长难句

20180713 长难句

20180712 长难句

20180711 长难句

20180710 长难句

