

标题:Intense Warming Will Significantly Increase Cropland Ammonia Volatilization Threatening Food Security and Ecosystem Health

期刊:《One Earth》



摘 要

Graphical abstract

农田氨挥发(VNH3)是农业氮素流失的主要途径。然而,尚不清楚气候变暖和人类干预(例如农业管理)将如何影响农田VNH3。该研究中作者使用一个完全耦合的农业生态系统/化学物质运输模型和多个气候预测来量化美国上空气候诱导的VNH3的变化。结果表明,在气候变暖的情况下,从2010年到2100年间,气候变化将使农田VNH3值增加81% (69%-92%)。农田VNH3值的增加将导致施氮量损失10%,作物减产540Gg-N/year,大气氨氮负担增加18%,对敏感生态系统的氨/铵沉降增加14%。我们发现,将适应气候的农业措施与可行的缓解措施相结合,可以完全抵消气候变暖导致的农田VNH3的增加,节省13%的施氮量,增加735Gg-N/year的产量,并为空气质量和生态系统健康提供净效益。

Figure 1. (A) Schematic of the key processes associated with estimating VNH3 and the downstream impacts. N flows stemming from different media(e.g.,soils,atmosphere, and human activities) are marked indifferent colors with VNH3 marked in red.

(B) Flow chart of the integrated modeling framework (Experimental Procedures).

Figure 2. The Increase inVNH3,AGdue to Future Warming. (A) The response ofVNH3 to long-termTchange simulated by FEST-C_EPIC–CMAQ_BIDI. Changes inVNH3,AGare expressed as the log-transformed increase rate ofVNH3,AG, i.e., ln(V/V0).

Figure 3. Future Trends of VNH3 due to Climate Change.

Figure 4. Spatial Distributions of the Increases in VNH3 due to Climate Change.

