【新刊速递】《太平洋评论》The Pacific Review, Vol. 34, No.1, 2021.


The Pacific Review《太平洋评论》是太平洋地区研究的主要平台,作为跨学科期刊,其宗旨和目标为打破研究领域之间以及学术界、新闻界、政府和商界之间的壁垒,重点关注政策问题。2019年该刊的影响因子为1.633,在区域研究类SSCI期刊中排名11/77,在国际关系类SSCI期刊中排名第35/95。


【编译】钱  靓 王芷汀 李月云 程朵依 石雨宸 戎秦婴

【审校】黄慧彬 杨沛鑫 姚寰宇





Strategic narratives in China’s climate policy: Analysing three phases in China’s discourse coalition


China, the BRICS, and the limitations of reshaping global economic governance

3. 和谐周边:新时代中国周边战略

Harmonizing the periphery: China’s neighborhood strategy

4. 冷战后中国如何看待朝鲜的改革意愿及其对中国对朝政策的影响

How China views North Korea’s readiness to reform and its influence on China’s North Korea policy in the post-Cold War era

5. 讨价还价互动的再思考:以等级制视角看朝核危机

Bargaining interactions reconsidered: the Korean Peninsula nuclear crisis viewed through the lens of hierarchy

6. 安倍时代的日本外交与安全政策:从新保守主义与新自主到务实现实主义

Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy under Abe: from neoconservatism and neoautonomy to pragmatic realism



【题目】Strategic narratives in China’s climate policy: Analysing three phases in China’s discourse coalition

【作者】Yuhan Zhang,比利时根特大学博士生;Jan Orbie,比利时根特大学副教授。




【原文】During the past decade, we have witnessed a transformation in the role played by China in international climate negotiations, which has provoked increasing academic and policy interest. While most of the current research focuses on normative or empirical analyses of policies, this article provides a comprehensive study of China’s climate strategic narratives on both the systematic and national levels. Theoretically, this article situates itself in the 'narrative turn’ in international relations. We develop an analytical framework that combines theoretical insights stemming from the strategic narrative with our own identification of the unique features of China’s discourse context. We apply this to China’s climate strategic narratives by examining China’s climate 'discourse coalition’, which consists of the government, the epistemic community, and the official media. In doing so, we add to the current research that mainly focuses on the mass media. Methodologically, we critically examine four different sources of China’s climate strategic narratives, ranging from leaders’ speeches to media reports.

This data is triangulated with 21 semi-structured interviews. Overall, we identify three phases of China’s climate strategic narratives. On a system level, the strict division between developed and developing countries has been replaced by the narrative of 'a community of a shared future of mankind’; while on the national level, China as the victim of 'ecological imperialism’ has given way to the new 'torchbearer’ narrative. This research also contributes to a broader understanding on China’s domestic politics and its position in global governance.





【题目】China, the BRICS, and the limitations of reshaping global economic governance

【作者】Bas Hooijmaaijers是华东师范大学国际关系与地区发展研究院助理教授和晨晖学者,同时也是比利时天主教鲁汶大学LINES研究所研究学者。


【原文】Cooperation between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) has increased since the first BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) meeting in 2006. We have witnessed the establishment of various BRICS institutions, including the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement. Because of its politico-economic weight, China exerts great weight on the BRICS exceeding that of its partners. Additionally, Beijing has pursued its own initiatives including the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, with for instance the BRI having created frictions with other BRICS members including India. This article examines how and why China and the BRICS are reshaping global economic governance, and to what degree the BRICS and BRICS institutions represent anything new. More importantly, it analyzes China’s use of the BRICS to reshape global economic governance, and the potential for its independent initiatives to undermine the BRICS’ impact on global economic governance. It shows that the dynamics of the BRICS limit their potential of reshaping global economic governance. What is critical is the domestic political economy and interests of China, India and the other BRICS countries that all hold different positions and preferences in the international system.





【题目】Harmonizing the periphery: China’s neighborhood strategy.

【作者】Stephen N. Smith(斯蒂芬·史密斯),卡尔顿大学政治学系的博士研究生,研究方向为国际关系和比较政治。攻读博士学位期间,斯蒂芬主要研究在中国崛起的背景下,中国国际关系理论的发展、中国的国际秩序观和中国的对外关系。


【原文】This paper investigates how Chinese elites understand the proper role of their nation vis-à-vis its 'periphery’ and how this self-understanding shapes Chinese strategic policy toward neighboring states. It makes two specific arguments. First, after 2012 China began to understand itself as responsible for actively managing and shaping its periphery. Beijing has overseen an evolution in China’s neighborhood strategy that has changed from mere engagement to proactive efforts to shape regional order. Efforts to achieve this goal have come primarily through: institution-building and regional integration via the 'Belt and Road Initiative’, strategic partnerships, normative binding, and developmental statecraft. Second, managing newly emerged power asymmetries between China and its neighbors is now a crucial task of Beijing’s peripheral policy. The emerging China-led regional order relies on norms that are hierarchical, transactional, and reflect status distinctions. China’s neighborhood strategy rests on an asymmetric bargain: respect China’s core interests in exchange for benevolence.





【题目】How China views North Korea’s readiness to reform and its influence on China’s North Korea policy in the post-Cold War era

【作者】Kong, Tat Yan,英国伦敦大学亚非学院,政治学和国际关系学系。


【原文】 China’s policy of restraint (avoidance of crippling economic sanctions) towards North Korean provocation is typically explained in terms of geopolitical concern with North Korean regime stability. The strategic and diplomatic costs of restraint would suggest the presence of non-geopolitical influences behind China’s approach. Ideational explanations emphasise the persistence of shared socialist identity as well as the traditional Sino-centric worldview as shaping influences. There is much less detailed analysis of how China views North Korea’s political economic evolution and how this view has changed over time to produce fluctuations in the bilateral relationship. In order to capture China’s motivations more fully, I introduce two additional variables, namely China’s view of the state of its own reform path (which provides the domestic context shaping policy towards North Korea), and the extent of North Korea’s readiness to prioritise economic reform. I will then use these variables to explain two contrasting phases which represented the worst (1992–1999) and best (2009–2012) of times in the bilateral relationship in the post-Cold War era. These variables also help us to understand the potentials and limitations of the upturn in bilateral relations which has occurred since 2018.





【题目】Bargaining interactions reconsidered: the Korean Peninsula nuclear crisis viewed through the lens of hierarchy

【作者】Richard J. Cook,南开大学周恩来政府管理学院国际关系专业博士候选人,研究兴趣包括中美关系、国际关系中的等级制度和国际安全;

Maximilian Ohle在南开大学周恩来政府管理学院获得国际事务和公共政策硕士学位,并被图宾根大学政治学系录取为国际关系学博士生。他的研究兴趣包括中俄关系、国际关系中的等级制度和东亚国际安全;韩召颖,南开大学周恩来政府管理学院国际关系系教授。他的研究兴趣包括中美关系、中国外交政策和国际关系理论。


【原文】Actors partially relinquish sovereignty in return for physical protection by a more powerful actor, generating a hierarchical relationship of a dominant, which supplies a political order, and subordinate(s), seeking the benefits that the political order can offer. This is the outcome of rationally assessing the respective situation, ultimately forgoing the presupposed paradigm that all actors are acknowledged as equal units in IR. The product of applying this hierarchical rubric to the Korean Peninsula offers a fundamental alternative for understanding how and why the current Korean Peninsula Nuclear Crisis unfolded in the manner that it did, while building upon relevant literature constituting the crux of hierarchy in international relations. What is presented are two political orders running parallel to one another: (1) the USA and the ROK and (2) China and the DPRK. Historically, both orders took fundamentally different tracks, as the USA and the ROK maintained a tight, valued and active social contract, while China and the DPRK periodically drifted into loose, devalued and inactive phases. Additionally, a paradigm has emerged following China’s inclusive behavior post-1978, the USA’s unipolar moment, and Washington’s aggressive signaling and actions, forcing the DPRK to reconsider its dominant’s reliability as a credible security guarantor. Having witnessed these seismic shifts, the DPRK has intensified its development of 'the ultimate security guarantor’, leading to the contemporary crisis we are facing today.





【题目】Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy under Abe: from neoconservatism and neoautonomy to pragmatic realism

【作者】Ramirez Carlos,日本近畿大学国际关系研究院。


【原文】Using Samuels’ [(2007). Securing Japan: The current discourse. The Journal of Japanese Studies, 33(1), 125–152] political categories of Japanese perspectives on strategic policy, this article argues that the nation’s foreign and security policy under the leadership of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has undergone three distinct phases: a first phase of neoconservatism during his first tenure as Prime Minister from 2006 to 2007; a second period when he returned to the office of Prime Minister five years later in 2012 that can be described as neoautonomous; and a third phase of pragmatic realism from 2015 to 2016. In addition, this article analyses the factors driving change from one phase to another. By adopting an eclectic approach to theory, it claims that each traditional theory in the field of International Relations (IR) offers different but complementary causal effects to shifts in security and foreign policies. Each IR theory emphasizes or downplays these four factors: actors, structures, material forces and ideas. This article will employ all three IR traditional theories as they relate to these factors to discern the change factors of Abe’s foreign policy. Finally, it concludes by siding with those scholars who assert that Japan’s foreign policy has made a consequential break from its past and has embarked on a new path towards a remilitarization of its foreign and security policy.




