雅思口语| ‘随意’就是casually吗?看7.5分学生怎么说!
willy-nilly ( informal )ADV 随意地; 胡乱地 If someone does something willy-nilly, they do it in a careless and disorganized way, without planning it in advance.(来源:该词来自莎士比亚的著作。它是“will he nill he”的缩写。那时“nill”不愿意与“will”愿意 是反义词。现在,“willy nilly”是指没有太多的思考或计划就轻率地去做某事。)
Clerks bundled papers into files willy-nilly. 文书们将文件随意塞进文件夹里。
Don't use your credit card willy-nilly. 别拿着你的信用卡随便花
I can’t just do something like that willy-nilly.The last time I traveled without planning, I ended up sleeping in a movie theater for three nights.我不能就这样说走就走啊。上一次我没计划好就去旅行,最后在电影院睡了三个晚上。
firing on all cylinders指某物/某人状态很好 ;开足马力(来源:有些发动机是由小气缸 cylinders爆炸驱动的。当所有的汽缸都在燃烧时,发动机就完全启动了。)
I’m not firing on all cylinders.我状态不是很好。
let the dust settle 尘埃落定( wait until things have calmed down or returned to normal)
Right. I'll tell him to let the dust settle before calling her.She is still getting over a really messy breakup.好吧,那我告诉我朋友等尘埃落定了再约她。她还没有从上一段糟糕的恋情中走出来。