



In China, online shoppers shatter records on 11/11
  • shatter: 粉碎、打破
BEIJING — China’s “Double 11” day makes the United States’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday look tame. In the first 68 seconds of Nov. 11, Chinese consumers had spent $1 billion snapping upbargains online. Within the first hour, they’d spent $14.3 billion — about half the total recorded last year during the Thanksgiving shopping season in the United States.
  • snap up: 抢购、大口吃掉
  • bargain: 便宜货


Even though the Chinese economy is flagging — or perhaps because the Chinese economy is flagging — consumers are eager for bargains on the most frenzied shopping day of the year.
  • flagging: 萧条、衰退
  • frenzied: 疯狂的、狂乱的;frenzy: 使发狂


“There were so many discounts available that it makes me feel that I have to buy something, or I would be missing out big-time,” said Zhang Hui, 31, who works at a public-relations firm in Beijing. She snapped up a pair of boots and an overcoat on Taobao for a total of $142.


Nov. 11 has long been celebrated in Asia as “singles’ day” — because the 11/11 date looks like four singles — and has been commandeered in Japan and South Korea by Pocky and Peppero, respectively, the makers of chocolate sticks that look like ones. It is marketed as a kind of anti-Valentine’s Day, where singles can spend on themselves.
  • commandeer: 征用


China began marking the day in the 1990s, when university students celebrated being single on the day, known here as “Double 11.”


But in 2009, e-commerce giant Alibaba started marketing it as the best day of the year to go crazy on its shopping websites, Taobao and Tmall. Many people now stock up on household goods in particular, buying a year’s worth of shampoo or toilet paper on Nov. 11, when online retailers offer discounts and coupons.
  • stock up: 囤积
  • shampoo:  洗发水



