雅思口语新题季 river

1 canoe in the river 在河上划独木舟

They were canoeing in the river. 他们在河中划独木舟。

2 enjoy gentle breeze 享受微风

e.g. I normally enjoy gentle breeze while I take a stroll near the sea. 我在河边闲庭漫步的时候通常喜欢享受微风。

3 shimmering water 波光粼粼的水面

e.g.When the sun sets, the reflection of the pagoda, the green hill, the twilight and the shimmering water constitute a beautiful view. 落日时分,塔的倒影,苍翠的山峰,灿烂的晚霞和波光粼的水面构成了一幅美丽的景色。

4 raft across the river 用筏子过河

e.g. Sometimes people raft across the river to go back home. 有时候人们用筏子过河回家。

5  the river overruns 河水泛滥

e.g. At springtime the river always overruns. 在春天的时候,这条河总是河水泛滥。

6 irrigate crops浇灌庄稼

e.g. People irrigate crops with water from this river. 人们用这条河里的水浇灌庄稼。

7 deposit rich soil 沉积沃土

e.g. The river deposits rich soil at its bends. 有大量的沃土沉积在河的拐弯处。

