医学影像英语每日读丨127.CT of the Retroperitoneum- Renal Masses


领读:(YWT 老师

Renal masses are commonly detected during imaging of the kidneys. It has been estimated that over half of patients over the age of 50 years harbor at least one renal mass, most commonly a simple cyst. In particular, most of renal masses are discovered incidentally when an imaging examination is performed to evaluate a nonrenal complaint. Although most represent benign renal cysts, not all incidental renal masses are benign, and most renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are also incidentally discovered in this scenario. Therefore, differentiating incidental benign renal masses from those that are potentially malignant is the most important challenge in daily practice.

Clear cell-type RCC is the most frequent variant, accounting to 80 % of all cases of renal tumors. Most clear cell RCC are solitary cortical neoplasms that occur with equal frequency in either kidney; multicentricity (4 %) and bilaterality (0.5–3.0 %) may be seen. Clear cell-type RCC has a worse prognosis compared with other histologic subtypes.

From: Ascenti - CT of the Retroperitoneum


1. retroperitoneum [retroʊperɪtoʊ'ni:əm] 后腹膜

2. scenario [səˈnærioʊ] n. (行动的) 方案; 剧情概要

3. cortical ['kɔ:tɪkl] adj. 皮层的,皮质的

4. histologic 组织学


【CT of the Retroperitoneum- Renal Masses 腹膜后的CT检查---肾脏的肿块】




