164.Acute pulmonary embolism (PE)


Acute PE is a relatively common event with a wide spectrum of clinical presentation that ranges from small asymptomatic and incidentally detected subsegmental PE to life-threatening central PE causing hypotension, myocardial infarction, and cardiogenic shock.

Pulmonary emboli are most often the result of thrombi dislodged from the deep veins of the legs. Risk factors for PE include advanced age, malignant disease, pelvic or abdominal surgery, orthopedic surgery in the lower limbs, prolonged immobilization, obesity, congestive heart failure, and trauma. Dyspnea and chest pain, often pleuritic in nature, are the only symptoms reported by >50% of patients with PE.

The chest radiograph is seldom, if ever, diagnostic of PE, and the main role of chest radiography is to identify important alternative diagnoses such as congestive heart failure and pneumonia. On rare occasions, findings suggestive of PE may be present including wedge shaped air-space opacities typically located at the costophrenic sulci, regional hypoperfusion evident as areas of decreased lung attenuation and paucity of vascular markings , and an enlarged pulmonary artery .

CT has become the method of choice for imaging PE in clinical routine in most institutions. Negative predictive value of CT has consistently been shown to surpass 96% both with single-detector and multidetector techniques. Underlying lung disease, inpatient status, and results of V/Q scan do not appear to have appreciable effects of the negative predictive value. A clear benefit of CT is the depiction of alternative diagnoses not otherwise suspected when pulmonary embolus is absent.

The diagnosis of PE is usually straightforward, relying on the direct observation of a central filling defect surrounded by a rim of contrast in a pulmonary artery. Often emboli lodge at bifurcation points and continue into both branch vessels. A sharp vessel cutoff or absence of vessel filling also provides evidence of pulmonary embolus but may be more difficult to perceive.



1. embolism  [ˈɛmbəˌlɪzəm] n. 栓塞

2. spectrum [ˈspɛktrəm] n. 光谱; 波谱

3. hypotension [ˌhaɪpə'tenʃən] n. 血压过低

4. myocardial [ˌmaɪə'kɑ:dɪrl] adj. 心肌的

5. infarction [ɪnˈfɑ:rkʃn] n. 梗塞形成

6. cardiogenic [ˌkɑ:dɪoʊ'dʒenɪk] adj. 心源性的

7. emboli ['embəli:] n. 栓子

8. orthopedic [ɔ:θə'pi:dɪk] adj.整形手术的

9. dyspnea [dɪsp'ni:ə] n. 呼吸困难

10. pleuritic  [plʊ'rɪtɪk] adj. 肋膜炎的

11. costophrenic [kɒs'tɒfrenɪk] 肋膈的(胸膜)

12. sulci [sʊlsɪ] 沟

13. bifurcation [ˌbaɪfə'keɪʃn] n. 分歧,分叉部

【Acute pulmonary embolism (PE)急性肺栓塞】









