在英语中表示身体部位的很多单词对应的短语常被用来做比喻,有些比喻即形象又贴切,如drag one's feet,bite one's head off和cost an arm and a leg等等,它们分别被用来比喻拖拖拉拉、生某人的气和花费很大。 drag one's feet 拖拖拉拉We can't be late for the dentist, so quit dragging your feet and get in the car!我们去看牙医不能迟到,所以别再拖拖拉拉了,上车吧!The British had been dragging their feet concerning a single European currency.英国人在欧洲单一货币问题上一直拖拖拉拉。bite one's head off 生某人的气I don't know what's wrong with Julia but she bit my head off just now.我不知道茱莉亚怎么了,但她刚才在生我的气。I'm very sorry I lost my tempter. I didn't mean to bite your head off.很抱歉我发脾气了。我不是故意要生你的气。cost an arm and a leg 花费很大The repair work cost an arm and a leg.修理工作费了一大笔钱。I'm sick of paying rent in this town. It's costing me an arm and a leg!我厌倦了在这个镇上付房租。这花了我一大笔钱!类似的短语还有很多很多,需要平时的日积月累,就像要表达”全心全意“,我们也可以用表示身体部位的单词组合 heart and soul,相当于 completely,用它来形容全心全意或完全地,再贴切不过了,例如:He’s dedicated to the project heart and soul.他全心全意地致力于这个项目。She loves those children heart and soul.她全心全意地爱那些孩子。She devoted herself heart and soul to caring for her husband.她全心全意地照顾丈夫。They threw themselves heart and soul into the project.他们全心全意地投入了这个项目。
其实 heart and soul 还可以用作名词短语,意为“全身心,最精华或最重要的部分”等,常与 put 连用,意为“全身心投入”等,例如:If you put your heart and soul into your training you will make it.如果你全身心投入到训练中,你会成功的。I feel so sorry for the team. Every week they put their heart and soul into the match, but they hardly ever win.我为球队感到难过。他们每周都全力以赴地参加比赛,但几乎没有赢过。Native Red Indians are heart and soul of American continent.印第安人是美洲大陆的最重要组成部分。Idioms are the heart and soul of any language.习语是任何语言的最精华的部分。除了单词 completely,与习语 heart and soul 表达类似的还有其他习语,常见的有 through and through,(from) soup to nuts,one hundred percent 和 to the last 等等,例如:completely:The accident seemed to have completely destroyed his confidence.那次事故似乎完全摧毁了他的信心。I got this job completely by chance.我得到这份工作完全是偶然的。through and through: My mother is Irish through and through.我母亲是个彻头彻尾的爱尔兰人。(from) soup to nutsThe whole building, soup to nuts, cost less to build than that parking lot.整个大楼从头到尾比停车场的建造成本低。This is how you do a film campaign from soup to nuts.这就是你如何从头到尾做一个电影宣传。one hundred percent: I agree with you one hundred percent.我百分之百同意你。I will back you up one hundred percent.我将全面支持你。词或词组辨析:care for sb 意为“照顾,照料;深爱,非常喜欢”,又如:He cared for her more than she realized.她不知道他是多么爱她。