Astronomy Picture of the Day——雪茄星系的中央磁场

The Central Magnetic Field of the CigarGalaxy

Image Credit: NASA, SOFIA, E.Lopez-Rodriguez; NASA, Spitzer, J. Moustakas et al.

Explanation: Are galaxies giant magnets?Yes, but the magnetic fields in galaxies are typically much weaker than onEarth\'s surface, as well as more complex and harder to measure. Recently,though, the HAWC+ instrument onboard the airborne (747) SOFIA observatory hasbeen successful in detailing distant magnetic fields by observing the polarizedinfrared light emitted by elongated dust grains rotating in alignment with thelocal magnetic field. HAWC+ observations of M82, the Cigar galaxy, show thatthe central magnetic field is perpendicular to the disk and parallel to thestrong supergalactic wind. This observation bolsters the hypothesis that M82\'scentral magnetic field helps its wind transport the mass of millions of starsout from the central star-burst region. The featured image shows magnetic fieldlines superposed on top of an optical light (gray) and hydrogen gas (red) imagefrom Kitt Peak National Observatory, further combined with infrared images(yellow) from SOFIA and the Spitzer Space Telescope. The Cigar Galaxy is about12 million light years distant and visible with binoculars towards theconstellation of the Great Bear.





Astronomy Picture of the Day——朱诺号拍摄到形似大理石的木星

Astronomy Picture of the Day——落日时分的日行迹

Astronomy Picture of the Day——我们银河系的磁心

