Astronomy Picture of the Day——在木星上游泳
Swimming on Jupiter
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SwRI,MSSS
Explanation: On October 29, the Junospacecraft once again dove near the turbulent Jovian cloud tops. Its 16thorbital closest approach or perijove passage, brought Juno within 3,500kilometers of the Solar System's largest planetary atmosphere. These frames,recorded by JunoCam while the spacecraft cruised 20 - 50 thousand kilometersabove the planet's middle southern latitudes, seem to follow a swirling cloudshaped remarkably like a dolphin. Swimming along Jupiter's darker South SouthTemperate Belt, this dolphin is itself planet-sized though, some thousands ofkilometers across.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——西西里海岸上空的四星连珠