

Abstract: in the rapid development of contemporary society, the research on management has never stopped. Management is an important subject in Colleges and universities at present. It defines the mission of enterprises and motivates and organizes human resources to realize the mission of the motherland in the direction of enterprise management. Peter Drucker is the founder of modern management, also known as the originator of management. His theory is divided into politics, business, non-governmental and non-profit organizations. In nearly a hundred years of development speeches, he has delivered a key theme at the core: how a good management can turn a gang into a team. This paper will make a deep analysis of Drucker's management thought, excavate the characteristics of the core thought in management science, and find the key point of management thought in modern development.


Key words: management, learning, goal, team


The idea of 1358 is the mainstream of the management of the major enterprises in the society. It is mainly a definition of management, three tasks of management, five tasks of managers and eight areas where enterprises need to set goals.

一、 承诺实现真知,有舍才能有得

I. promise to realize true knowledge, and you can get it only if you give up


In the book of Drucker's management thought, the first chapter refers to the commitment to contribution, as well as the commitment to effectiveness. The discussion on the commitment of the enterprise seems to be the core one all the time. At the beginning, Cao Cao's promise to quench his thirst at the plum blossom attracted countless soldiers to travel long distances; in modern times, countless political leaders made speeches to incite a group of ordinary people to follow. Is this kind of management that promises really a good one?


Obviously not. In this chapter, Drucker said: if we don't get it first, we will make a difference. The rapid development of modern society has a great feature, that is, there is no fool in the whole society. This kind of low-level seduction can't incite people any more. I hope you can show me a practical plan better than your big cake and promise. In an enterprise, the word 'dream' can never be separated. Both the boss and the employees will talk about it. But in recent years, a poison chicken soup has completely shattered the idea that good bosses talk about money, not ideals.


Realists are not so terrible as they think. On the contrary, reality can motivate ordinary people to move forward. As a manager, when you want to get something from your employees, you must first think about what you can give them. It may have been a good incentive before, but it is close to zero in the information explosion.

二、 砍掉细枝末节,找寻时间真知

2. Cut off the details and find the true knowledge of time


There is a theory of infinite overtime in the advertising industry, which is simply that advertisers work overtime almost every minute and every second. A proposal can come up with numerous suggestions. A burst of inspiration must be accompanied by numerous crackdowns. Until the time is approaching, what is really used is something that has been tucking out hundreds of times before. It's like in the whole process, everyone's efforts are to prove that everyone has made great efforts. But for this kind of effort, Drucker used a sentence to explain: it can save a lot of time to do the right thing well and cut off unnecessary work.


The difference between chicken soup and truth lies in that chicken soup will only speed up your efforts to pursue your dreams, while truth will speed up your efforts to say that life is likely to pay for nothing. Although the former sounds more motivating, it is not practical. As in the example above, if all the efforts are to do useless work, it is better not to do it. The real effort should be just the right effort. Time should be spent in a reliable place. Don't do things that are not worth the effort. How to make good use of the 28 principles is what we should do in this era. Don't waste time on empty conference speeches.

三、 创新引领进步,技术创造卓越

III. innovation leads progress and technology creates excellence


There is a paradox in the development of many enterprises, that is to move forward blindly without considering external factors. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, many systems have promoted the concept of innovation. The core reason is that it has certain feasibility. New technologies are increasingly showing the trend of expanding the management field. As a member of the society, employees of enterprises must recognize their own long board and short board.


Real good enterprises have their own correct values, which is not a false consensus, but a kind of preparation for future development. Correct values can lead the development of the enterprise and create the cohesion of the internal staff. In the current development, what enterprises should do is to define the core elements of development, find the most necessary scientific research technology, strive to make enterprises grow up, tap their own internal potential, and recognize the general trend of future development.


Looking for the development goal of an enterprise is essentially looking for a magic consensus that does not need to be judged. Only by finding the root of innovation and development, and finding the development mode that will occupy the advantage as much as possible in the future, can we achieve the balance of relative consciousness and success in a certain range.



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