《泰东》(Asia Major)第一次复刊——New Series

1963年,《泰东》复刊,称为New Series,刊载了韩南(Patrick D. Hanan)的名篇《金瓶梅探源》(Sources of the Chin P'ing Mei)、格瑞汉(A. C. Graham)的楚辞研究、刘殿爵(D. C. Lau)的孟子研究、蒲立本(E. G. Pulleyblank)的古汉语与缅甸语研究、杜希德(D. C. Twitchett)的晚唐地方自治与中央财政的研究等。

Volume Volume 10, part 1, 1963

  • List of Publications by Professor W. Simon
    by B. Schindler

  • A Buddhist Spell
    by K. P. K. Whitaker

  • Sources of the Chin P'ing Mei
    by P. D. Hanan

  • The Kurdish Elm
    by W. B. Henning

  • Mineral Imagery in the Paradise Poems of Kuan-hsiu
    by Edward H. Schafer

  • Notices of Books

Volume Volume 10, part 2, 1963

  • The Prosody of the Sao 騷 Poems in the Ch'u Tz'u 楚辭
    by A. C. Graham

  • Some Recent editions of the Ch'ien Han-shu
    by M. A. N. Loew

  • On Mencius' Use of the Method of Analogy in Argument
    by D. C. Lau

  • Coriander
    by W. B. Henning

  • An Interpretation of the Vowel Systems of Old Chinese and of Written Burmese
    by E. G. Pulleyblank

  • A Provisional Sketch of Sizang (Siyin) Chin
    by Th. Stern

  • Thai Narrative Poetry: Palace and Provincial Texts of an Episode from "Khun Chang Khun Phaen"
    by E. H. S. Simmonds

  • Notices of Books

Volume Volume 11, part 1, 1964

  • Śrî Viśa Śûra and The Ta-uang
    by H. W. Bailey

  • The Chinese Pseudo-Translation of Ârya-Sûra's Jâtaka-Mâlâ
    by J. Brough

  • The Future of Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Studies
    by Gerard Clauson

  • Śānti: A Ritualistic object from Bali
    by C. Hooykaas

  • Notices of Books

Volume Volume 11, part 2, 1964

  • Obituary of Dr. Bruno Schindler (with List of Publications)
    by W. Simon

  • Viśa Saṃgrâma
    by H. W. Bailey

  • A 14th Century Mongolian Letter Fragment
    by H. Franke

  • Two Dialogues in the Kung-sun Lung Tsu: "White Horse" and "Left and Right"
    by A. C. Graham

  • Sinologische Früchte auf dem Felde des Yüan-ch'ao pi-shi
    by E. Haenisch

  • What is Nan-Yang ?
    by H. S. Hansford

  • The Choresmian Documents
    by W. B. Henning

  • Chou Tso-jen and Cultivating One's Garden
    by D. E. Pollard

  • The Transcription of Sanskrit K and KH in Chinese
    by E. G. Pulleyblank

  • Provincial Autonomy and Central Finance in Late T'ang
    by D. C. Twitchett

  • A Cantonese Version of a Mock Disputation
    by K. P. K. Whitaker

  • Notices of Books

Volume Volume 12, part 1, 1966

  • The Manila Incunabula and Early Hokkien Studies, Part 1
    by P. Van der Loon

  • The Khmer King at Basan (1371-3) and the Restoration of the Cambodian Chronology during the fourteenth and fifteenth Centuries
    by O. W. Wolters

  • The well of Babhlân
    by I. Gershevitch

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 12, part 2, 1966

  • Obituary of Dr. Arthur Waley
    by D. Hawkes

  • The Nine New Fragments from the Book of Zambasta
    by R. E. Emmerick

  • Tibetan Nyin-rans and T'o-rans
    by W. Simon

  • Lepcha and Balti Tibetan: Tonal or Non-tonal Languages?
    by R. K. Sprigg

  • The T'ang Market System
    by D. Twitchett

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 13, part 1, 1967

  • The Ten New Folios of Khotanese
    by R. E. Emmerick

  • The Manuscript Kanjur in the British Museum
    by E.D. Grinstead

  • The Quest of the Goddess
    by D. Hawkes

  • The Manila Incunabula and Early Hokkien Studies, Part 2
    by P. van der Loon

  • Balti-Tibetan Verb Syllable Finals, and a Prosodic Analysis
    by R. K. Sprigg

  • The Źan-Źun Language
    by F. W. Thomas, edited by A. F. Thompson

  • Niida Noboru and Chinese Legal History
    by D. Twitchett

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 14, part 1, 1968

  • Khotanese Metrics
    by R.E. Emmerick

  • The Texts of the First New Novel in Korean
    by W.E. Skillend

  • Merchant, Trade and Government in Late T'ang
    by D.C. Twitchett

  • Notes on the Prophecy of the Arhat Samghavardhana
    by R.E. Emmerick

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 14, part 2, 1968

  • The Hundred Chapter Hsi-yu and Its Early Versions
    by G. Dudbridge

  • Some Basic Problems of Classical Chinese Syntax
    by A.C. Graham

  • The Birth of Manas
    by A.T. Hatto

  • Two Posthumous Articles
    by A. Waley, ed. D. Hawkes

  • Tibetan Chis and Tshis
    by H.E. Richardson

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 15, part 1, 1969

  • The Khotanese Manuscript "Huntington K."
    by R.E. Emmerick

  • The Archaic Chinese Pronouns
    by A.C. Graham

  • Some Notes on the Mencius
    by D.C. Lau

  • Local Financial Administration in early T'ang times
    by D. Twitchett

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 15, part 2, 1969

  • A Mongolian Ritual for Calling the Soul
    by C. R. Bawden

  • The Case of Witchcraft in 91 B.C. its Historical Setting and Effect on Han Dynastic History
    by Michael Loewe

  • Late Middle Chinese
    by E. G. Pulleyblank

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 16, part 1, 1971

  • Kuang Han-Ch'ing
    by A.W.E. Dolby

  • Four Khotanese Words
    by R.E. Emmerick

  • Reflections on Some Yuan Tsa-Chü
    by David Hawkes

  • The Practical Training of Government Officials under the early Ch'ing 1644-1795
    by Adam Lui Yuen-Chung

  • Three 'Phags-Pa Seal Inscriptions: Re-examination of Dr. E. Haarh's Readings
    by Miyoko Nakano

  • A Twelfth-Century Secular Chinese Song in Zither Tablature
    by L. E. R. Picken

  • Late Middle Chinese, Part II
    by E. G. Pulleyblank

  • The Growth of a Legend
    by H. E. Richardson

  • Review Article: China, Europe and the Origins of Modern Science
    by A. C. Graham

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 17 , part 1, 1972

  • K'uang Heng and the Reform of religious practices (31 B.C.)
    by Michael Loewe

  • Budhist Terminology in Sogdian: A Glossary
    by D. N. MacKenzie

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 17 , part 2, 1972

  • Later Mohist Treatises on ethics and logic reconstructed from the Ta-Ch'ü chapter of Mo-Tzü
    by A. C. Graham

  • Kûkai's Sokushin-Jôbutsu-gi
    by H. Inagaki

  • Tibetan lh- and hr- in alternation with other Initial Consonantal Clusters, or with Simple Initial l- and r-
    by Walter Simon

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 18, part 1, 1973

  • Strata of Chinese Loanwords in the Mien Dialect of Yao
    by G. B. Downer

  • Corruption Unmasked: Yüan Chen's Investigations in Szechwan
    by Charles A. Peterson

  • A Ch'ing Missive to Tibet
    by H. E. Richardson

  • A Sogdian Fragment of a Work of Dadišo' Qaṭraya
    by Nicholas Sims-Williams

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 18, part 2, 1973

  • Khotanese Metrics Again
    by R. E. Emmerick

  • Semetey Part I
    by A. T. Hatto

  • An Early Ninth Century Debate on Heaven, Part Ⅰ
    by Sir Gerard Clauson

  • Review Article: Turkish Philology in Hungary
    by Sir Gerard Clauson

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 19, part 1, 1975

  • Semetey, Part II
    by A. T. Hatto

  • An Early Ninth Century Debate on Heaven, Part II
    by H. G. Lamont

  • Vowel Alternation in Tibetan
    by J. Walter Simon

  • Review Article: Paul K. Benedict, Sino-Tibetan: A Conspectus
    by R.K. Spriggs

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

Volume Volume 19, part 2, 1975

  • A Chapter from the Rgyud-Bźi
    by R. E. Emmerick

  • The Concepts of Necessity and the "A Priori" in Later Mohist Disputation
    by A. C. Graham

  • Two Remarkable Women in Mongolia: The third Lady Erketü Qatun and Dayičing-Beyiǰi
    by Henry Serruys

  • Tibetan Initial Clusters of Nasals and R
    by Walter Simon

  • Reviews and Notices of Books

