手机普及后,人人都是摄影师,take photos, take picture就成了家常便饭。I am crazy about taking photos, so that is why I chose Huawei instead of Iphone,我爱拍照,所以选择华为,而不是苹果; Could you please take a photo for us?烦请给我们拍个照,这是十分常用的景点英文.
如果没人帮忙,就只能自拍了,selfie就是自拍或自拍照的意思,这个源自澳大利亚的单词风靡全球,也由于它实在太常用,I haven’t put selfie on my space of wechat for a long time,我好久没在朋友圈里晒自拍了;You can always find the best angle making yourself look perfect by selfie,自拍能找到最好的角度拍出完美的自己.

Selfie这个网红词也有很多衍生词,比如welfie,健身自拍,drelfie醉后自拍,helfie发型自拍,Lucy goes to gym everyday , not for workout, but welfie, 露西每天去健身房不为健身只为自拍;Drelfie reminds me how crazy and out of control I was when I got drunk,醉后自拍提醒了我喝多了有多失控和疯狂; He is so picky on hairstyle, always checks his helfies from different angles, 他对发型及其挑剔,总是严格检查从多角度自拍的发型照片。
1. I am crazy about taking photos, so that is why I chose Huawei instead of Iphone;
2. Could you please take a photo for us?
3. I haven’t put selfie on my space of wechat for a long time;
4. You can always find the best angle making yourself look perfect by selfie;
5. Lucy goes to gym everyday , not for workout, but welfie
6. Drelfie reminds me how crazy and out of control I was when I got drunk;
7. He is so picky on hairstyle, always checks his helfies from different angles.
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