谁听到奥巴马卸任崩溃大哭 | 任职8年,奥巴马快乐吗?

Is Obama Happy?

Editor | Louie


Caprina Harris posted a video to Facebook on Feb.15th showing her granddaughter named Kameria sobbing after learning that Obama will soon leave the White House.

"Tell me why you're crying," ?

"Barack Obama is fixing to go," the child says amid sobs as Harris explains presidential term limits.

The video of the young girl saying she is "not ready" for a new president had more than 2 million views this afternoon.

The White House even took notice, tweeting the president had said, "Caprina, tell her to dry her tears."

Not Ready 很快成为了网络热门,卡米莉亚在祖母的鼓励下为奥巴马写了一封信。奥巴马本人也在Facebook上亲自回复了小女孩 Not Ready 的视频,并接待了卡米莉亚小盆友。

"Tell her to dry her tears, because I'm not going anywhere. Once I leave the White House, I'll still be a citizen just like her. And when she grows up, she can get involved right alongside me."


小女孩在给奥巴马的信中写道:“I don't want you to leave the White House; I want to meet you before you leave.”然后,梦想成真啦!小伙伴们是不是觉得好感倍增了。





